
Summary Of The Danger Of Telling Poor Kids

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The Danger of Telling Poor Kids that College is the Key to Social Mobility While reading the text "The Danger of Telling Poor Kids that College is the Key to Social Mobility" it helps the reader to identify many issues on why students want to attend college. Andrew Simmons stated that “Higher education should be promoted to all students as an opportunity to experience an intellectual awakening, not just increase their earning power which I am in favor of. College promotion should be used to motivate students in a critical thinking way instead of a financial advantage. The author’s purpose was to identify the separation between how college can be an educational opportunity instead of a financial opportunity to grow from poverty. The main idea …show more content…

Depending on the environment a student is being raised in have a lot to do with how this question could be answered. Students in a higher curriculum education center are taught that college is an opportunity to experience an intellectual awakening, while students in a middle/low curriculum educational center are taught basically that college is a meal ticket which poses problems. Going to college is a very major step in life because it helps a person to identify a lot of things you never learned as a child. I agree that college should be sold to each student as a privilege to connect to a study that you have a passion to pursue one day. If college is taught to just make more money it could jeopardize a lot of time, put others at risk, and hinder you from really succeeding in life. For example, everyone knows being a nurse pays a lot of money and a student goes to school and becomes a nurse but just does the job for the money. This could be the introduction to a catastrophe because being a nurse takes qualities such as hard-work, dedication, time, patience, and most importantly compassion. When doing a career of such you are being trusted with people’s lives so to not be fully focused and generally driven by the job you are harming yourself and …show more content…

The tone of the author in the text was critical, intimate, and sincere. I also feel this statement is true because the difference in social class environment sometimes hold big impacts on the way we think, feel, and act. It all takes place because of the separation between social class in America which is a very controversial topic. Education is based off the social class the child’s parent fall within. The bigger the household income is the better education your child could receive because of the stereotypes Americans live by. For instance, if you do research on the academic curriculum and tools children are equipped with at a school designed for high class citizens you notice children in middle/lower class schools do not have the same techniques and tools for education. This subject is very relatable because it was recently on the news that students at a school district in Texas were being provided with devices such as advanced computers, Ipads, and college prep classes for elementary. Growing up we were never given the opportunity to be incorporated in anything that showed us how to have the mind frame of becoming the next millionaire, however it was just information to help us get to the next grade level. If all schools gave the students the opportunities to help them prepare for life after high school

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