I read a auto biography book called The Dirt Diary by Anna Staniszewski. This book has 256 pages. From the customer review on amazon. ‘’ this book will make you laugh from all the drama’’. This book i think is for 5 through 8 graders. Why i think it's good for 5-8 graders is because it has a lot of drama and I think the 5-8 won't understand it so much. The protagonist is a 16 year old girl named Rachel. I think Rachel is one of those shy girls that don't like to talk to anybody like her crush Steve Millar and his mean sister Brianna. And thus all happens when Rachel sees Steve and the drama comes in. The main things that happend were that Brianna found out Rachel liked
This presentation will offer an overview of the plot and circumstances of the film, and one of the main characters, Shelby Eatenton.
story develops, we see her father, Nathan Price start losing his wits about him, and she grows
Characters: The main character is Jayson Barnes. Jayson is 12 and enjoys basketball. He meets a friend named Zoe at his new school.
The main characters of this story are Kyla, Ben Nix, Amy (new sister), Sandra (new mom), David (new dad), and Dr. Lysander. My favorite character, probably like most people favor, was Kyla, the main character. 16 year old Kyla had gone through a life of both good and bad, great and terrible, and does not remember any of it, until
Ally Nickerson is in the 6th grade at her seventh school of her life. Before her new teacher, Ally dreaded school and created clever distractions that sent her to the office instead of doing her school work. Mrs. Hall is taking administrative leave for she is about to give birth to a baby. Her replacement is Mr. Daniels who finds the inner Ally. Instead of sending Ally to the office, Mr. Daniels tries to help her. He finds many different ways to engage her with her disability. For example he invites her to play chess after school with him. Ally finds chess very interesting because she can make her plans all in her head. Ally gets to know two new friends this school year, Kiesha and Albert. Albert has some hidden secrets. He shows up everyday
The main character of the story is 10-year-old Yanek Gruener. He is an adolescent Jewish boy living in 1930s Poland during World War Two. Although he sees the very worst of people he still manages
This story starts of when Callie and her friend Matt are walking home from school and they get into a fight because Matt isn’t a very good friend. The next day later during passing time Callie meets a pair of twins named Justin and Jesse. Jesse is quit and he becomes apart of the stage crew also. Justin on the other hand loves acting but he doesn’t
Cammie Miller has lost everyone close to her. Her dad was shot when she was 12 and her mom died when she was 17 from breast cancer. After her mom dies, Cammie refuses to go into an orphanage and runs away. Then she gets an old apartment and lies about her age to rent it out.
Casey Timbale is one of the billions of people in the world that believes everything happens for a season. Casey is just nineteen and looking to move out of her overprotective mother. When her plans along with the whole worlds plans get interrupted. By the governments "greater good" of people's
-she runs away with an actor she was dating because she was not interested in the work her family did anymore and wanted to get away
Ten Good and Bad Things about my Life (so far), by Ann M. Martin, is about a fifth grade
Characters Joss Byrd is the protagonist of the story, she is a young actor that is just trying to survive, she is expected to live up to her mother's expectations, has to deal with her crush on her movie brother and has to hide one of her biggest secrets. Her secret is is that she is dyslexic, that secret could end her whole acting career and is hard enough to manage by itself. Through it all Joss pulls through happy and never gives up. Viva is Joss’s mother that is the main antagonist. Viva wants Joss to become successful and is willing to do whatever it takes even if Joss doesn’t want to.
The main characters of the story are sophomores Lorraine and John. They both have parents that are not the nicest and they are always afraid of them. Until, they meet Mr. Pignati, and old man, who changes their lives.
The protagonist is a naïve, young girl, named Rosaura, who grows up in an impoverished, working class family. Her mother’s boss, Senora Ines, who is also her best friend’s mother, constantly looks down at Rosaura’s family because of their financial status. Senora Ines invites Rosaura to spend time with her daughter so Rosaura originally believes that Senora Ines likes her as
The young girl’s name is Ivy Calhoun. Her world got flipped upside down when her mom told her she and her new husband were moving to his hometown. She had already had to listen to them talk about how much they wanted to go but she didn’t