
Summary Of The Hunting Scenes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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Paper 1 1. Thesis Statement: The hunting scenes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight serve as parallels for the scenes of Lady Bertilak’s seduction of Sir Gawain and work to show Gawain’s character progression. 2. Deer hunt a. Symbol of innocence b. The deer are steered into danger c. First seduction i. Lady Bertilak is corners Sir Gawain while he is in bed, vulnerable. ii. “You are tricked and trapped! But let’s make a truce, / or I’ll bind you to your bed, and you’d better believe me” (1210-1211). iii. “But what lady in this land wouldn’t latch the door, / wouldn’t rather hold you as I do here” (1251-1252). d. How Gawain was like a deer i. Sir Gawain is like a deer because he is essentially trapped in this awkward situation, like the deer have been trapped. ii. Because of the Code of Chivalry, Gawain is trapped between a rock and a hard place. He must be courteous to the lady without offending her. e. Sir Gawain and Lord Bertilak i. Sir Gawain keeps his agreement with Bertilak, they exchange the venison for the kiss Sir Gawain receives. Therefore, Gawain maintains his innocence and honor. f. Value placed on deer i. The deer is seen as a great catch, Gawain even comments how it’s the “hugest haul [he has] seen, out of season, for several years” (1380-1381) ii. Deep description of the way the venison is cut and prepared shows the importance of it. 3. Boar hunt a. Symbol of strength b. How the boar and the men that chase it have to put up a fight before the boar is

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