Hi Kristi,
This is a very interesting post regarding the IOM report for advanced practice nurses in the future. You state “that more autonomy with APRNs will be very beneficial.” One of the key recommendations of the IOM report is for “nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression” (IOM, 2011). By allowing APRNs to have more autonomy, there will a higher chance of the population to have more access to the health care system. There is a high rate of physician shortage and by allowing the APRNs to have more autonomy, this will help bridge the gap of available providers for patient care. The APRNs can work collaboratively with the physician and other
This paper explores the perception of clinical practitioners to the change in policy related to the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) full practice authority. The author conducts a one-on-one, open-ended interview of 5 nurse practitioners and 5 physicians licensed to practice in Maryland on their perceptions of the recent passage of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Full Practice Authority. A literature review was conducted in a policy report by the professional nursing organization, and discussion within the peer-reviewed article supported an overview, regulatory differences among 50 states, including the District of Columbia. Their policy implication for enhancing APRNs role nationally. The author discusses a critical component
The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) has changed dramatically in recent years. Currently, the Unite States (U.S.) health care is focusing on delivering a cost -effective health care to all patients. In the last decades, there were many efforts to control health care over spending in the U.S. One of such efforts is to focus on applying proven principles of evidence-based practice and cost-effectiveness to find the least expensive way to produce a specific clinical service of acceptable quality (Bauer, 2010). The vast changes in health care system, such as cost, need for high productivity, limitation on reimbursement, and the inadequacy on access have made APNs to think in a way where they most fit to provide independent care for
With the passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 approximately 32 million more people will be insured throughout the United States. The need for healthcare workers and providers will be in drastic demand to provide care to these insured Americans. The 2010 IOM report details out how the advanced practice nurse can be a valuable asset in primary, chronic and transitional care and their skill set should be used to promote better healthcare across the nation (IOM, 2010). This impact of this report should help progress advanced practice nurse’s ability to practice without individual state regulation and be governed under one body to server in and outside of the hospital setting
According to reports found on the web page MEDPAGETODAY (2014) there has been an increase in the independent practice for advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). The article quotes data from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) which reports 17 states and the District of Columbia allowing “full practice” with this meaning the APRN evaluates, diagnoses, orders testing, prescribes medication and initiates and manages treatments. 21 states require “collaborative agreement” with a physician and 12 requiring supervision of a physician. Collaborative agreement scope of practice varies by state and institution of employment.
Bahadori and Fitzpatrick conducted a study regarding the actual level of autonomy of the APRNs in primary care settings. They compared clinical outcomes for patients assigned to either APRNs or physicians and found there was no significant differences in reported health status between patients treated by NPs or by the physicians. Also Bahadori and Fitzpatrick (2009) stated within their report although the APRNs had more restrictions regarding their professional authority and struggle with maximal autonomy they recommend APRNs have more autonomy and decision-making authority to allow them to work as competent professionals, and improve patient care outcomes.
The historic article by Safriet (1992) fully lists and analyzes the major challenges facing the advanced practice nurse (APN). At the time the article was written compared to now, a few aspects are changing. In areas where change has occurred, it has been an exceedingly slow process. Change for APNs is often dependent on legislation and regulatory authorities which receives half-hearted support, at best, from the medical establishment (Safriet, 1992). Since the first day nurses were given any authority to practice outside of regular practice, physicians only objected when it began to encroach upon their perceived hierarchal status or potential for compensation (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, & O’Grady, 2014). The concern that this
In the article written by Ford, (2009), the doctorate of nursing practice (DNP) has an important role to play in the current health care system which is constantly changing. As healthcare around the world is transforming, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2011 report mentioned that in the United States, Advanced practice nurses play a vital role in the rapid complex changes based on the full extent of their education and training. This article describes some of the positive role of the advance practice Nurse as a facilitator in the regulatory and policy developments. The Advance practice nurse participates and provide cost-effective care models that will improve the access and quality of care of the population. Another positive area for the APN in this current healthcare system is health promotion, health maintenance, and prevention. In this evolving health care system, it gives the Advance practice nurse the opportunity to set up acute and primary care settings that will positively impact health care delivery as they meet the needs of an expanding, aging, and chronically ill population. All over the world, the NP’s role has developed and is beneficial to health care systems and health care consumers. As Advance practice nurses we must use this great opportunity to advance our role and work with others to improve and transform health care globally. DNP graduate 's role is include leadership, research, practice, education, and
These impose severe constrictions on the ability of the nurse to move forward or advance into the areas of practice where traditional nursing practices were not allowed {Institute of Medicine, 2010}. However with the increase in the number of nurses graduating with advance degrees in nursing; the situation is changing. These well educated nurses are leading the charge to confront the complex issues that the rapidly changing health care situation presents. Regulatory barriers must be lifted so that nurses can practice within their scope in order to be reimbursed by private insurance for the services they provide. These changes can be done through the federal and state legislators as well as supervisory agencies and bodies such as congress and licensing regulatory boards. The IOM also recommends that nurses will expand their scope of practice and increase their responsibility through teaching and counseling of patients. {Institute of Medicine,2010}. The use of Advance Practice Registered Nurses and Physician Assistant in providing primary care services will decrease wait time and increase patient satisfaction. The high turnover of nurses transitioning from school to practice also affects the quality of care. These nurses do not have enough experience to make decisions in patient care.{Institute of Medicine,2010}.The IOM and JCAHO{2012} report supports the recommendations for the introduction of nursing residency
While the demand of healthcare need increasers the United States facing a physician shortage. In recent years the number of nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) has significantly increased and they are taking the part in providing healthcare cervices to the majority of patients. I believe nurse practitioners and physician assistants can practice independently from doctors and be free of oversight. Expanding the scope of NPs and PAs is essential to overcome the healthcare crisis we are facing; it will increase patient satisfaction and stabilizing the healthcare economy.
with recommendations for changes needed in nursing. This was a response for the need to assess
The role of the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is expanding internationally throughout the healthcare system. Since the initiation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, there has been an increased need for APNs due to the growing demand for primary care services and increased population that have gained healthcare coverage (Lanthrop & Hodnicki, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of APN and develop a professional development plan for my future career.
The health care industry is experiencing a surge in the number of baby-boomers needing health care and increased demands on the physicians providing the care. This trend has made the role of Advanced practice providers more important (cite). It is imperative to understand the differences and similarities in the advanced practice provider roles as it pertains to healthcare. This paper will identify specialty nursing roles including advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). It will further compare and contrast the advanced practice nurse (APN) and physician assistant (PA) roles in practice.
The APRN Consensus Model was released in July of 2008 to define advanced practice registered nurse, identify the titles to be used by APRNs, and define specialty area of practice. The Consensus Model also describes population foci, suggests a process for recognition of new APRN roles, and recommends requirements for implementation (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2010). The APRN regulatory model helps uniform scope of practice of APRN across the United States, which benefit individual APRN, enhance patient outcomes, and improve the quality of care. Consensus Model consists of Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education. The Education criteria in LACE Consensus Model relate to all APRN programs regardless of master’s or doctoral
As the young and rapidly-aging population continues to increase, the demands of primary, acute and chronic disease management will also increase. As a result, more health care professionals who provide primary care will be needed to meet these demands. Thus, the emergence of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) evolve. APRN is a nurse who has completed a graduate degree and has acquired advanced knowledge and skills. APRNs are grounded with theory, concepts and principles that enable them to assess, diagnose, treat and manage their patients. APRNs can work in conjunction with other health care professionals or independently. APRNs improve access to health care by providing care in the rural and underserved areas. APRNs also reduce the cost to health care (Joel, 2013).
For current and future needs we need to enable all healthcare professionals especially nurses to practice to the full level of their education and training. Advanced practice nurses can fulfill the primary care needs. This will free up physicians to address more complex cases which needs their expertise. Current practice focus on specialty and acute care only and a shift in practice to deliver more primary care and community care services is essential to improve the quality of nursing care and address the growing need of care in these areas.