
Summary Of The Idea Of Ancestry By Etheridge Knight

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Two of his main short poems are “The Idea of Ancestry” mad “He Sees through the Stone” In the first one the poem is about the experiences of Knight as a little boy remembering his journey with someone like his guardian. The guardian is silent but all knowing. Knight as a young boy learns and understands the structure of oppression. In later poem ‘The Idea of Ancestry’ shows a way to begin to detoxify this rotten state of affairs by overemphasizing the essential connections of family life in the USA and exposing, however, unquiet extreme levels of incarceration for generations in families and communities. He tries in this poem to maintain linked between himself and his family during his imprisonment. Yet his family totally ignores him, just like he is lost in the space between them. He lived at a time when the racial …show more content…

And it appears particularly to matter these days within the second decade of the twenty-first century in America because the nation’s “guts square measure screaming” for Associate in Nursing finish to unequal treatment within the justice system and also the history of mass confinement and with it the restriction of wealth, jobs, and investment in African yank life. In “cell song” the poet makes something “good come out of prison” by finding a way to “twist the space with speech,” thereby breaking the grid of surveillance and losing a ray of free will: “Come now, Etheredge, don't be a savior; take your words and scrape the sky, shake rain on the desert.” (Knight ,p . 9) In ‘Hard Rock Returns to Prison’ an ode to an inmate who repeatedly brings the fire of autonomy and free will into the prison, allowing the other inmates to see themselves by the fire’s light rather than by the light of the “smooth operation of the prison,” which “takes precedence over the needs of the individual” (Knight, p.

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