
Summary Of The Iron Maiden: How Advertising Portrays Women

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Authors, Michael Jacobson and Anne Mazur argue, in their article, “The Iron Maiden: How Advertising Portrays Women,” that advertisements underlines sexist concepts about the ideal female and men, ads exploit sexuality. Michael Jacobson and Anne Mazur’s purpose is to describe sexism and sexuality in marketing of women and men in advertisements. Michael Jacobson and Anne Mazur aims to convince their readers that sexism and sexuality in advertisement put impractical ideas of appearance and encourages concern and self-doubt. “Everywhere we turn, advertisements tell us what it means being a desirable man or woman (1)." Michael Jacobson and Anne Mazur’s skillfully use anecdotes, metaphor, and comparison techniques to create a strong, convincing article.
Initially, Michael Jacobson and Anne Mazur begin their article “The Iron Maiden: How Advertising Portrays Women,” by acknowledging that sexism and …show more content…

They appeal to the logic of the audience by giving facts and statistics of the dollars spent each year on correcting imperfection in or on the body real or imaginary “$33 billion on weight loss; $7 billion on cosmetics; $300 billion on cosmetic surgery” (2). Jacobson and Mazur use this logic appeal to the audience to support the augment that advertisements place unrealistic ideas of the ideal appearance. The evidence appeals to the audience in their argument that each year humans spend an astounding sum of money to alter their appearance. “…[advertisements] [invite] women to compare their unimproved reality with the Iron Maiden’s airbrushed perfection… then offers to sell it back for a price” (2). This expression of logic appeal from the authors conveys to the audience a more logical definition and thought process into the plot of the

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