
Summary Of The Malleus Maleficarum

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Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger wrote The Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches) published December 9, 1484. Kramer included the Papal Bull issued by Pope Innocent VIII on December 5, 1484. A papal bull is an official, formal decree by a sitting Pope, it is called a ‘Bull’ because of the official lead seal, ‘bulla’ that authenticated it. This Bull gave Kramer’s book the authority of Pope Innocent VIII to its readers. Also included in the book are approbations, approvals given by an official group or persons, in the Malleus Maleficarum the approbation came from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Cologne. The Malleus Maleficarum became an official guide for the hunting, trying, and punishing witches through the inquisitorial process. …show more content…

All the Kingdoms, countries, and territories under the control of the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Churches of the middle Ages eagerly quashed decent of any kind by their citizens. The Witch Hunts were part of this control and Europeans hunted and executed those judged witches for over two hundred and fifty years. This would see the decline of rural medicine, the wise woman, cunning folk, and midwives all deemed as witches and heretics and thus worthy of the most severe punishment, death. During the two and a half centuries of the Holy Inquisition Europe faced many trials such as the Black Plague which took the lives of nearly one in three Europeans, there were many wars and political changes throughout the period. The populations of Europe faced a massive change in the balance of gender in favour of woman and some scholars believe that that may have been a contributing factor as to why mostly woman bore the brunt of the witch-hunts. The Roman Catholic Church fought a war known as the Thirty Years’ War with the Insurgent Protestant Church (the Protestant Reformation, 1517 to the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years’ War.) At stake was the influence of Europe’s people and their souls, however, this war is not considered to be a major factor in the Witch Hunts. One …show more content…

1430 – 1505) also known under the Latinized name Henricus Institoris, was a German churchman and inquisitor known for his book The Malleolus Maleficarum published December 9, 1484. Innsbruck Austria 1485 was one of two of Kramer’s witch trials that we have court documents for as well as being sanctioned by the Papal Bull of December 5, 1484. The Innsbruck trial looms large, as it appears to have been the impetus for Kramer to write the Malleolus Maleficarum. Helena Scheuberin was one of the seven women charged with witchcraft along with two men. Kramer’s examination in court of Helena Scheuberin intensified around the sexual behaviours of the accused much to the distaste of the court. Kramer was accused of browbeating the accused and that of court protocol. The trial was brought to an end with all of the accused being found not guilty of witchcraft. This upset Kramer so much that he continued to harass the women he believed to be witches and as a result, he was forced to leave Innsbruck. This turn of events embarrassed Heinrich Kramer, which motivates him to write the Malleolus

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