They both had the merchandise in the cart and started to move towards pantry and along the back wall of tor department, continuing pass electronics and headed to the ladies department. The both selected several women panties and body shape wears. They remained in the area for a long period of time before heading to the fitting room which was temporarily close at the time. They went back to the ladies section and one of the suspect later identified as " Mariela Bautista" started to conceal few make-ups, few minutes later, she further continue to conceal more make-ups and few female panties that was previously selected in the area. The suspect went towards the exit but stopped at register #10 to purchase an item. She gave the hand bag with all
At 5:30 SA Lyn Brumaire received another call from Officer Tabiri that another resident named Marielle Fisher may know the whereabouts of Ms. Lee. Upon knocking on the door of suite 805, no one answered so officer Tabiri asked me to key into the room. Ms. Fisher was not present but her suite mate, Ms. Neali Rogers was. Ms. Rogers communicated that Ms. Fisher had gone home for the weekend.
yndo Jones was an average 31 year old male, living in Texas when late afternoon of November 8th, Mr. Jones was sitting in his truck attempting to turn his theft alarm off as it was malfunctioning due to a prior car accident Lyndo had been involved in. As trying to disarm the alarm, the local police responded to what they thought to be a car jacking in progress.
In 2006, Betty Domingo filed a lawsuit on Brenda Mitchell and other members of the LGroup over an agreement that was not kept between Domingo and Mitchell. Domingo, Mitchell, and other co-workers were part of a Texas Limited Partnership called the LGroup who contributed money and numbers to play Lotto Texas and Mega Millions. On April 29, 2016, one of the tickets purchased by the group won.
Ms. Juanita Machado is a Line Assembly Technician. She was employed with the insured approximately for seven months. Within the seven months, she has been with the company; she had known of the claimant, Mr. Donald Arauz after he had been hired early on last year in 2016 when he was hired to the same position that she currently holds.
A hispanic female named Anna Garcia who was 38 years of age, was found dead on the date of August 14, 2015 in Anytown, U.S.A. She was 64 inches in height and 165 pounds. The case of Anna Garcia first began on a hot, 92°F summer morning. A next door neighbor, Doug Greene, had decided to call police at 9:45 am to place his concern about Garcia because of her dog that had been barking all morning, which was highly unusual. Being that he had not seen or heard from her since the previous morning, he called her, then went over to her house to make sure nothing was wrong. Both the police and EMT arrived at 9:56 am. When questioned by police, Greene informed them that he had seen her the previous morning around 6:30 am walking her dog. He also stated that he saw her wearing a sweater, which was found odd because of the current heat wave. The front door had to be broken down in order to enter the house. Upon entering the house, they found Garcia lying face down in the entry hallway. Inside, the house was a temperature of 73°F. Immediately after Anna Garcia was
On August 15 at 9:45 am Anna Garcia´s neighbor, Doug Jung, contacted the police and informed them about Anna because he was worried about her. He told them that the previous morning he saw her walking her dog at around 6:00 am and that she was wearing a sweatshirt even though it was humid outside. After hearing from Doug, the 911 operators informed the local police and the EMT. Both the police and the EMT arrived at the crime scene at 9:56 am. The EMT declared that Ms. Garcia was dead and her autopsy was performed by Dr.King at 11:00 am. Ms. Garcia was five foot four inches and 165 pounds. She came from Hispanic heritage and was of age 38. Ms. Garcia was found surrounded by a pool of blood and there was an injury to the head. A table was by Ms. Garcia´s head and there were white pills lying by her as well. There were no signs of weapons and a pool of vomit was found at the crime scene. The police identified four possible suspects: Alex Garcia (Ms. Garcia´s ex-husband), Erica Piedmont (Alex´s new wife), Lucy Leffingwell (Ms, Garcia´s partner in business and best friend), and Doug Greene (Ms. Garcia´s neighbor and ex-boyfriend). There was a team working on finding out if any of the suspects were involved or not. The main problem/question was whether Ms.Garcia's death
Melissa Barthelemy moved to the Long Island area in 2007 in order to start her own life. Over the two years that Melissa lived there, she was a prostitute and put ads for her service on Craigslist. She stayed close with her younger sister, Amanda, who still lived in Buffalo with their parents. Late on July 11, 2009, Melissa sent a text-message to her sister to confirm Amanda’s visit to see her in a couple days. During the day of July 12, 2009, a local bank had a recording of Melissa depositing one thousand dollars into her account, believed to be from a “date” she had the previous night. Before she left, she withdrew one hundred dollars. The last time that Melissa was seen alive was the afternoon of July 12, 2009 sitting outside her apartment
As an opportunity arose in a niche market of the medical field, Jay and Leigh Carlos invested time in learning and invested money in opening a facility geared towards the care for the mentally retarded. After several years of operating, the Carloses expanded their business to two care homes with a proposed third site in view all under their East Hampshire Homes. These homes were not listed as skilled nursing facilities. Leigh Carlos, a nurse, ran the medical side ensuring the homes were up to par with health and safety codes and compliance with state laws. After studying the federal regulations and knowing the amount of risk for exposure to employees and patients, Leigh established a compliance policy. Due to the type of facility and employees
Allen stated that she recognizend both the suspect and female that he was with from prior encounters with them in the store.
the nearest bank cashier to accumulate a sufficient amount of cash into a backpack then fled through the main doorway.
I would go for a targeted communication strategy to each of the different stakeholders. The first one will be to Jessica’s parents to re-explain the true nature of these unfortunate circumstances. I would explain to them the entire process and where we went wrong and apologize. I would also convey that the unfortunate circumstances were not specifically targeted at them but it was a bad lapse in the entire process and while we can help at this particular time with your daughter, we will reevaluate the entire process to ensure that nothing like that ever happens again. I would also inform them that from now on, to reflect the changing demographics in the area the hospital covers, the hospital will be offering language classes to all their staff to better communicate with people from different social and cultural
There are some many political, economic, social issues that social workers and even families faces. In the Sanchez case, immigration laws plays a huge part in their family. There are members of the Sanchez family that are undocumented and could face deportation if caught. The family needs immigration resources that will assist them with the adoption of the grandson and with Roberto in their home. Emilia, which is the daughter of Hector and Celia, was born in the United States. However, she could be denied citizenship because of her drug problem. This will show “poor moral character” which is under the immigration law (New Directions in Social Work, n.d.). Also, the Sanchez family faces financial problems. Due to undocumented status of some of members, the Sanchez family cannot take advantage of the resources that may help them with their financial problems. Roberto, which is the undocumented nephew of Celia, was injured on the job and because of his status is unable to receive any financial assistance like worker’s compensation. This cause financial issues for the household. Social issues has also plaque this family. Emilia has had an abortion which is against the belief of the family. They are devout Catholics and do not believe in abortions. Vicki, which is the daughter of Celia and Hector, has been diagnosed autism. The family has not seek out resources for the daughter. I believe the family may be ashamed of her and is not
The defendant, Andrelly Garcia is a 27 year old female, from Massapequa, NY. Who is currently separated from her husband, the father of her two small children, Rosalin (6) and Jacob (4). Mrs. Garcia stated that Mr. Garcia is financially supporting the household, because she is currently unemployed. She reported to be in good physical and mental health.
The deposition of Dr. Joe Gonzales occurred on March 16, 2016. Dr. Gonzalez was retained by Plaintiff as an expert in this case and was requested to prepare a life care plan for Plaintiff’s future medical care needs. Dr. Gonzales has served as a life care planner since 1988, when he received is license to practice medicine. He became a certified life care planner in 2006. He is a medical doctor in San Antonio who is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, pain medicine, and occupational and environmental medicine. Half of his work consists of treating patients and the other half consists of preparing life care plans related to litigation. When he does life care planning work, 85-90% of that work is on behalf of the plaintiffs in the respective litigation. He sees on average 20-50 patients a week in his medical practice. He has not practiced in a hospital in at least 10 years.
This paper explores the issues of Hector Sanchez and Celia Sanchez. Hector Sanchez is the patriarch of the Sanchez Family, who is struggling with various issues such as his health as well as employment and financial instability. Celia Sanchez is the wife of Hector and the matriarch of the Sanchez Family. Celia is struggling to provide for her family in lieu of their financial troubles as well as her husband’s ailing health which caring for his needs as well as her own. The goal of this paper is to analyze the issues affecting Hector and Celia Sanchez through the Person-in-Environment