
Summary Of The Movie Crash

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Plot Summary: Crash can be summed up as a movie that chronicles the prejudice nature of each of its characters in the lives of strangers who are intermingled in a variety of situations to expose that racism effects everyone. In my opinion, the message to the audience is clear: to preach the dismissal of prejudice and acceptance of all races and genders, regardless of one’s own ethnicity. Every character has prejudice views at some point, regardless of race, ethnicity, or personality.
Without a doubt, my favorite character has to be Dorri, the Persian daughter of the shop owner, Farhad & Shereen and his wife. Despite constantly being in the line of prejudice fire, she always keeps her calm. She works as a medical worker and in the end, she saves the life of a little girl by providing her father with a gun loaded with blank bullets. While everyone else is constantly criticizing each other and producing racial slurs, she has only one sassy moment, when the gun …show more content…

The first example of this is seen at the very start of the movie when: Esposito’s character, Maria, or Ria as she calls herself getting into an accident with an oriental woman who makes the statement that the accident was Ria’s fault because “Mexicans do not know how to drive and she did not see her “blake” light.” And she responds with equal racism. “Maybe if you see over steering wheel, you blake too.” The next example of racism involves a Mexican man named Daniel and my least favorite racist of the movie, Jean, who hates anyone who isn’t “like her” aka any ethnicity except Caucasian. He is fixing her door and she automatically assumes that he would sell the key and demands to have her door re-keyed in the morning based upon the Mexican stereotype he is a gangbanger who is going to sell her key so that the house can be broken into. The man, clearly offended by the racism chooses to turn the other cheek and set both sets of keys on the

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