For the Rhetoric in Response project, I chose to create a restaurant menu for an old western styled diner. I chose to create a restaurant menu to attract people to buy food and also because I prefer visualization over writings. In a restaurant, the menu is an important aspect for advertising the food that is being sold. The pictures and the design of the menu usually determines what the customer will purchase. Whenever I go to a restaurant that I have never been to, I look at the menu to determine what I would like to eat. The professionalism of the menu allows the audience (the customers) to determine the credibility of the menu. With this in mind, I started to look for a design, descriptions, and pictures that will fit together to create a credible, appealing restaurant menu.
The first thing I did was to find a sample of a themed restaurant menu that existed already. I
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The name of the restaurant was chosen because of two reasons. First, Buffalo is a city in Texas. Whenever I think of the Old West, Texas always comes into my mind. The city, Buffalo, is also known to be pretty dangerous. As stated in Forbes, Buffalo is 10th most dangerous city in the U.S. with 1238 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. You can say this city is pretty ‘wild’. The second reason for this name is because Buffalo were pretty wild before the settlers came in. Millions of buffalo used to roam around the Great Plains area before white men came in and took over. Native Americans used to hunt them, but did it in respect. They made sure not to waste any part of their bodies; The meat was eaten for nutrition, the bones were made into tools, and the hide was used to make teepees or clothes. But as white settlers came in, they started to hunt the buffalo for fun and for money. Just like the Native Americans, I wanted this restaurant to be something that will be not wasted. Therefore, The name, The Wild Buffalo, was
There are several restaurants and grills that serve various delicacies, and residents will be lost for choice when choosing where to dine and
After the calibration process, along with juxtaposing the current timed write to my prior rhetorical analysis response, I now further comprehend my strengths and weaknesses as a writer. My introduction paragraph has grown immensely in terms of my ability to fully express the topic which I will address in response to the prompt. In my timed write, I open with a strong thesis statement in which I expeditiously identify the main theme of the following speech as “the severe lack of labor laws.” Although this is the paramount topic, I failed to address the underlying theme of women's rights used by Florence Kelley to justify her view on labor laws while serving to strategically juxtapose the violation of women's rights and the infringement faced
This was the first of many presentation techniques I was not fond of. I’d suggest they served the butter in a container or bowl so they it doesn’t look so tacky and lazy. It was hard to choose a meal because of the lack of variety and creativity of the menu. When you are hungry the food looks rich, cheesy, and smells edible but the presentation is mediocre. The plates are older and the only garnish used is a bit of parsley. The food looks slapped together and there was no thought put into making it look tasty. After taking a bite of my chicken and pasta I immediately noticed the lack of fresh ingredients and overload of salt. The texture of the pasta was soft and the chicken was unreasonably dry. Prices range from nine to twenty-five dollars depending on what you get, it seems a bit high. The seafood is at the top of the price list but judging by the quality if I end up here again I’ll stick to the salad. When sit down at Bella Cucina you are immediately given fresh, hot garlic rolls and some olive oil. All of the plates and bowls are a modern style work of art. All meals are garnished and decorated with fresh herbs and delectable sauces. Everything is perfectly portioned on your plate and steaming hot. The aroma is intriguing and even though it smell delicious, the taste is like it came from a small town in Italy made by someone’s grandmother. Every ingredient has its own
Rhetoric is the the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. This is especially the useful fore speeches in debates and politics and other compositional techniques. Even medias such as logo, images, commercials and advertisements use a tool people use in order to convince people to watch and/or buy something One example of rhetoric in action is in a YouTube video that called, “Brian Williams Raps ‘Gin and Juice.’” This video contains uses the three aspects of rhetoric's, ethos, logos, and patho, in order to convince to younger viewers to watch his show.
Imagine discovering the cure for cancer, and then tossing the revolutionary discovery into a blaze of fire. This obliteration has happened to rhetoric, a tool of language that donates life to argument and creates a thriving system of communication for the world. Rhetoric used to be an important aspect of education that could assist students with the teachings of argument and human interaction. Today, rhetoric has become a topic of minimal discussion among ideas that have long since been outdated, and considered archaic to the educational system. In reality, rhetoric exemplifies the human genius and must be taught in schools to further the evolution of human expression.
Transferring to California State University, Sacramento was the most optimal decision that I have made recently this year and so far, it has been an enjoyable yet compelling one because of the helpful environment around me. Compared to the other two colleges I attended in the past in Stockton, California, I believe Sacramento State University has better resources and opportunities to grow as a student. Some of the resources I have utilized here are the Writing Center and PARC, but I plan to branch out and explore many others I have heard about. Although my major is Mechanical Engineering, I still have other classes that I am required to take in order graduate in Spring of 2020, such as English 109W for my undergraduate GWAR. Before entering English 109W, my mind was set on just completing the course and getting a good enough grade to move on to my Writing Intensive course, the last English class I would take in college. I thought that my writing skills were above
Though the definition of a “good paper” is subjective, there are many universal qualities that produce a strong, academic writing. Rhetoric is comprised of an issue, claim, persuasion, audience, evidence, reasoning, assumptions, and appeals. To develop an effective style of argument, Schlib and Clifford suggest marking transitions. This helps the audience understand and anticipate a turn in an argument. They also recommend creating coherence by repeating words and by using similar words. The repetition of keywords establishes the main concerns of an argument. Furthermore, the authors claim readers should balance parts of a sentence because readers enjoy the symmetry and rhythm-like quality in the work as a whole.
I have been your classmate for several months and believe that you are very intelligent man. That is why I am sure that you might have used the three aspects of rhetoric approaches because they are based on skills that we all have: logic, ethic, and feelings. By using credible sources and proper grammar, you are using ethos, without doubt. However, at some point, you must have used some personal experiences or logic, which appeals to logos. If you think that you also put some heart into it, trying to make readers understand the topic from their personal point of view, that should be considered as pathos because, you are appealing to their feelings, the way they see the topic.
In English 101 my professor told us to remember that the meaning of rhetoric was to write and speak persuasively. In that class we really focused on how the authors used rhetoric to persuade their audiences. Personally, I think the word rhetoric has a few different meanings. When I think of rhetoric I think about being able to effectively influence or persuade an audience. In order to effectively persuade someone you have to support and back up so I also think about the different things you include in a paper or speech to help you get your point across. For example, all of the rhetorical devices and appeals come to mind. The ones that I immediately think about are ethos, pathos, and logos.
“Rhetoric, which is the use of language to inform or persuade, is very important in shaping public opinion. We are very easily fooled by language and how it is used by others.” Ray Comfort couldn’t have said it better. Rhetoric is a very powerful tool used in the English language. It has the power to conform people’s minds to fit the ideal society or influence their opinions about a certain subject. It is everywhere! It can be found in books, movies, commercials, debates, and speeches just to name a few. In Aristotle’s book, Rhetoric, he mentions all of the analytical strategies that are used when this literary art is practiced. These strategies will be applied to three different works of literature.
Similar questions but for the Dinner Scene: What type of emotions and moods did you try to convey in the design of the restaurant? Why did you choose the specific colors, props, design, ect. for the restaurant? What inspired you to design the dinner scene?
To owner, Rocky Aoki and his team, their understanding on consumer patterns became their advantage; the consumer’s distrust of exotic food and their enjoyment of eating in exotic surroundings, and the customer’s interest in watching their food cooked. Though unique, this system allows the business for greater control on the flow and options given to the customer.
I thought that this speech was very inspirational and had so much truth behind it. The concept of conflict is very difficult but speaking up and being open about it can and will only solve it whether it be positive or negative. I agree with Margret when she said that the truth won’t set us free until we develop the skills, the habit, the talent, and the moral courage to do it. We as individuals need to break our silence. I feel like the speaker was trying to say go out of your way to voice your opinion in simple settings. The more comfortable you become with your own voice and understanding that you are an intelligent human being, it will be easier to do again. Practice voicing your opinion. If you are proved wrong, you are only learning. If
What: Early humans have seem to recognized the dangers of inbreeding at least 34,000 years ago. Developing sophisticated way of social and mating networks to avoid it, so new research was found.
Writing takes on varied shapes and genres, but all are connected through the use of rhetoric and its elements. These elements –exigence, audience, and constraints – are present throughout all of writing and contribute to the effectiveness of the work. To demonstrate the universal character of rhetoric, I analyzed two very different pieces of writing I wrote. One, a research paper on the environmental impacts of excessive carbon dioxide emissions, I wrote in high school as part of my senior project. The other was a journal entry I wrote to myself in my first semester of college. The different works both exhibit the elements of the rhetorical situation, though they implement them in very different methods that suit the genre in which they were