
Summary Of The Sanctuary Of School By Lynda Barry

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In Lynda Barry's essay “The Sanctuary of School” Barry gives her own personal feelings and experiences about the school system. She points out the fact that when times are “lean” the first things the government eliminates from the school systems is the art, music. and other creative programs. In her essay she gives her readers insight on her childhood, explaining how going to school was her get-away from her financially and emotionally unstable home. Barry points out how she and her brother weren’t noticed by their family while at home. For example, at the age of seven Barry sneaks out of the house while it was still dark because she feels a sudden urgency to get to school; when she gets close, she feels a sense of peace come over her. When …show more content…

The government proves this by getting rid of the extracurricular activities in schools across the U.S. just because they’re low on money. In retaliation, Barry argues that the children of the United States are expected to Pledge Allegiance to the American Flag but the country is yet to pledge back. The reason she argues this idea is because she feels that the Government is constantly taking from the children of the U.S. instead of doing anything to help them through their life. Instead of getting rid of the extracurricular activities that the children love, they could get rid of some of many frivolous things that they fight to have legalized. Barry believes that children need creative extracurricular activities in order to express themselves, as a get-away, and for a sense of peace in their broken world. Barry even points out that the Government would also shut down the before and after school programs; arguing that public schools are not made for babysitting people’s children. (724-725) Although, the government feels as though the extra programs are not as important, these programs allow the children to express themselves and possibly feel a sense of happiness. In “The Sanctuary of School”, Barry effectively explains how school and extracurricular activities are a vital part of children's lives, it allows them to get away from …show more content…

School is not only a get-away for some children but it’s a place where children can branch out, become great at something, express themselves, and get noticed for talents that they may possess. Many may not realize but Barry is just like any normal person out in the world. She grew up but prospered in a very rough, chaotic time. If you think about, many people can relate to some extent to Barry’s issues coming up. Some may even agree, like me, that school is vital to everyone. If I came up in life without band or music, I don’t know who I would be today. Have you ever been on the internet just looking at how talented some people are but never thought to realize their background? Being able to sing, draw, play instruments, dance, etc.; all these examples of talents become someone’s escape from some inevitable truth that they may not want to come to terms with at that

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