
Summary Of The Supernatural In Macbeth

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In the play, there were many thrilling segments which could be focused on due to the suspense and involvement of the supernatural. The use of the witches, the visions, the ghost and the apparition is key to making the idea of the plot work and it adds the elements of thrill and suspense to the audience. Reading through each act and scene of the play, it is noticed that the supernatural is in reality a primary concept of the play’s plot.
The use of the supernatural emerges at the start of the play, with three witches predicting the destiny of Macbeth. The audience now has an idea as to what the destiny holds for Macbeth. The second witch said “When the battles lost and won” (1.1.4). She was saying that each battle is lost in one aspect, but …show more content…

After the murder, Macbeth and Lady Macbeths consciences get the best of them and they feel guilty. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth, “We have scorched...mind to lie” (3.2.15-23). In order to cover up what they did, they now plot to have Banquo killed. Fear is the motivation behind this next plot as they are afraid of getting caught and what their punishment will be for the wrong they have committed. While they are attending a ceremonial dinner, a ghost appears. The murderer who carried out the deed of killing Banquo notifies Macbeth the deed has been completed, however Banquo’s son Fleance is still alive. Macbeth realizes the ghost is Banquo and he is sitting in Macbeth’s seat. This drives the guilt ridden Macbeth to behave strangely at the table, making other suspicious of his behavior. The scene uses the supernatural of ghosts to improve the suspense being Macbeth is counting on the words spoken to him by the three witches.
Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft, is disturbed that the three witches didn’t include her in their riddles and prophecies with Macbeth as she is the once who makes evil things happen. She wants to be included to trick Macbeth with illusions by producing magical spirits. “Have I not…chiefest enemy” (3.5.2-33).
The three witches are dancing around making a potion in their cauldron. Hecate enters the room and they begin to sing, waiting for Macbeth.

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