“Hansel was ten and his sister, Gretel, was eleven when their stepmother decided to get rid of them. They didn’t catch on at first, because Hagmom (their secret name for her) had always hated them. So leaving them behind at the supermarket or forgetting to pick them up after school was no big deal. It was only when their father got in on the “disappearing the kids” act that they realized it was serious. Although, he was a weak man, they thought he might still love them enough to stand up to Hagmom. They realized he didn’t the day he took them out into the woods. Hansel wanted to do the whole Boy Scout thing and take a water bottle and a pile of other stuff, but their dad said they wouldn’t need it. It’d only be a short walk. Then he dumped …show more content…
Hagmom was super angry, but Hansel and Gretel said that they “forgave” her, and said that they have a surprise for her. They led her to the candy house. Hagmom began eating the house, while Hansel and Gretel rushed inside, and into the …show more content…
“You still hungry?” The witch scowled at them from the floor. “Of course I’m hungry! Why do you think I live in a house of candy?! For one it's very fattening. And it gets people to come here so I can eat them!” “Well,” said Gretel. “We think we found you something fatter than 2 children.” “Really?” asked the witch. Hansel and Gretel took the witch outside and took off her hand-cuffs. The witch saw the Hagmom eating everything candy in sight. The witch smiled. She’d never seen anything fatter. “Thanks,” said the witch. “With this I’ll be full for 5 years!” With that, the witch grabbed Hagmom with a hardened licorice rope, and tied it tight onto two pretzel sticks firmly in the ground. Underneath Hagmom, was a fire-pit. Hansel and Gretel took off on the magic broom, hearing Hagmom’s screams for help. Hansel and Gretel never heard from her or the witch again. Not much happened after that. Their father took care of them, and Hansel and Gretel helped make money by selling lemonade, cupcakes or cookies. And their father never had to drive them to school. For Hansel and Gretel had a ride of their own. It could fly, do tricks, and impress everyone at school. The
The two rode through the hood and pulled up at the mall. The place was swamped with cops. The police had been called to answer the cries of customers after a gang war broke out in the food court. Big Blue riding in the hood saw his old friend Robbing Hoods, and Big Blue riding in the hood and Rapunzel ran up to talk to him. Robbing Hoods told them that Seven Dwarfs had started a food fight with the Leprechauns. These were the towns main two gangs. Apparently the Seven Dwarves called their buddies and the Leprechauns called theirs and it was a brawl.
Just as they were making their way toward the shack out comes the witch. They carefully make their way up to her and not taking their eyes off of her. Not only was she a witch but a beautiful one, like no one they had ever seen. She
The fourth crucial event in the shaping of Liesel’s life is when Hans Huberman gives the Jew bread. This causes Max to leave so the Hubermans, if they were investigated, would not be in trouble for hiding a Jew. Hans giving the Jew bread also causes him to be sent to serve in the war which showed Liesel that Rosa truly cared about her family. Since Hans gave the Jew bread, Liesel loses two of her best friends, Hans and Max. The loss of her friends help make her stronger by letting her learn the lesson of coping with
Although they did get off on a bad foot, all three of the children hit it off after by spending time together. Because Dill didn’t know much about the neighborhood, Scout and Jem started telling stories about one of the most frightening neighbors, Boo Radley. This includes tales such as how Boo Radley peeks into bedroom windows or likes to kill and eat animals for fun. Even though Dill didn't know much about Mr. Radley, Jem and Scout claimed that they did and were intimidated by him. For example, whenever the children are about to pass by his house, they run for their lives in hopes that Mr. Radley won’t hurt them. Unfortunately for Jem and Scout, Dill was more than happy to know more and more about Boo Radley. This all goes downhill when Dill teases Jem about his fear toward Mr. Radley and dares him to run up and touch the house, which he does. Jem, Scout, and Dill’s relationship with Boo Radley is based on terror and mockery from the kids point of
Meanwhile, Seth disobeys the rules and goes off into the woods. On his adventure, he spots an old shack covered in ivy and vines. He notices an old women that is gnawing on a rope that she is tied to. She asks Seth if he would come inside and share a cup of tea with her. Seth asks if she is a witch, then she becomes very furious and puts a curse on him. He sprints of like a cheetah and runs away from the “witch”. The next morning, their grandpa asks them “What do you suppose makes people so eager to break rules?’’ He keeps his eye on Seth. Seth explains to his grandpa that he was just very curious and that he met a creepy old lady. His grandpa nods and changes the subject. They are given some milk (the magical one) by Lena she said that it would give them the power to see “what is really out there.” Seth shows Kendra a hidden pond with gazebos, a boardwalk, and a boathouse. Grandpa explains that his yard is not a place for endangered animals, but for mystical creatures such as fairies, trolls, and imps. This land is known as Fablehaven and it is owned by lots of people, passed down every few centuries. He also explains that the old woman in the forest was actually a real witch. Her name is Muriel Taggert and the knots were her punishment for trying to put a curse on Fablehaven. After meeting
George and Shawn made it back to their village but there was nothing left of it. Their house
hear a gunshot they ran off, Dill scared to death and Jem loosing his pants to get free. When he returned home, Atticus wondered
They saw the house it was made out of candy they wanted to eat all
There is always that time in your life where you are just an innocent little person, where you didn't know what is happening in the real world. In the book we were introduced to Jem and Scout and they are
The woodcutter’s wife is not happy. Later, the woodcutter and his wife decide to take them back into the forest. The next morning, they give the children their last piece of bread, and walk them back into the forest, where they leave them asleep by a fire. This time, Hansel has thrown out the bread crumbs to create a path back home, but discovers that birds have eaten the crumbs. As they descend deeper into the forest, they realize that they are lost. Three days later and weak with hunger, they hear a bird singing; it is a beautiful “snow-white bird sitting on a bough” (Patten, 2013). The bird finishes its song and flies ahead of them, landing on the roof of a little house made of gingerbread, and covered with cakes with candied windowpanes. As they are hungry, they begin eating the house. Hansel takes a part of the roof to eat, and Gretel eats at the windowpane. Shortly, an old lady emerges from the house, invites them in, feeds them well, and puts them to bed. The next morning, she lifts Hansel while he is sleeping and locks him in a stable. She then awakens Gretel and it is revealed that she is a witch with plans to fatten up Hansel so she can eat him. Gretel is put to work, helping to fatten up her brother. They deceive the witch, who has very poor eyesight, into thinking that a chicken bone is one of Hansel’s fingers as she feels it to check his weight. Hansel is appearing not to gain weight. After four weeks of this, the witch becomes impatient and decides she is
On a nice sunny day in the woods an old witch was bored there was nobody in miles. The old witch decided to make some cookies. The old witch was thinking about making gingerbread cookies, but she had none of the ingredients to make the cookies. The old witch makes her own type of cookies with none of the right ingredients, but by mistake
"Will that be all, Mother?", asked her daughter, hauling the last of the ground roots and herbs inside the dungeon rooms and setting hem on the floor near her mother's feet, Abigail smiled, nodding a little at the girl. "What's all this for anyway? You turned into a witch?",, Abigail laughed. "You wish, my darling. But no, it's for something rather special, I have to call upon something, and I've been told this-", she gestured to the candles, chalk and herbs in Mason jars around her, 'was the only way to do it.". Her daughter, smirked, looking around the room, "I would stay, but- witchcraft isn't really my thing.". Abigail shrugged, "Understood.". She one she shouldn't have bragged to Maxim earlier about her wonderful daughter, but how
Now Hansel and Gretel are all grown up, and ready to kick some evil witch butt! Fifteen years prior, Hansel and Gretel were abandoned by their father inside of a very deep forest. The two young children enter inside of this delicious looking gingerbread house. Only to be captured by a twisted, evil, cannibalistic witch. The witch would force Hansel to eat tons of candy from the gingerbread house in order to fatten him up.
Out! Do not come back, Or else, this time, we will attack! We’ll slash our claws and cast our spells Or throw you in the prison cells! Young witches, yes, they go to school,
As days passed, the Hagmom became weirder and weirder. Whenever Hansel and Gretel went to the dining room table to eat, the Hagmom always had an odd look on her face as if she had done something to their food. But when one day finally came, something extremely bad had happened.