
Summary Of Why Does The Gap Persist? By Paul E. Barton

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Summary The article, “Why Does the Gap Persist?” by Paul E. Barton is an attempt to try and make sense of why our minority students continue to struggle. Barton brings up the point that research has shown that equal access to education has not equated to equal achievement. Mr. Barton points out fourteen factors that affect student achievement. A summary of some of these points will follow. In order to understand why students from lower income families struggle, it would be important to begin at the beginning. Low birth weight affects a child’s cognitive development and is something that is predominant in minority families. This could stem from a lack of prenatal care, poor nutrition, or possible substance abuse. Whatever the cause, low birth weight affects student achievement. Lead poisoning is also a …show more content…

Students who come from an impoverished family will struggle. The factors that Barton has addressed in these pages are just a drop in the bucket. Many of these students come to us dealing with things we could never imagine having to deal with. As educators, we need to make sure we are standing in the gap for those kids on a daily basis. I see poor nutrition and low birth weight affecting students in my classroom more and more. There are many programs within districts to try to help offset the problem of poor nutrition. Our school has voted to implement breakfast in the classroom this fall. This program will allow every student in my class to have access to free breakfast every day. I used to keep extra food on hand in my classroom for students who would inevitably complain about not having had breakfast. A study on the breakfast program found that “There is significant evidence of positive academic effects due to breakfast consumption” (Benefits, 2010). This program is one way that we can help our students to have the nourishment they need to be able to learn and

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