In 2013 there were 20 million user, about 8% of people age 12 or older up from 15 million or 6% in 2007. In 2013, 7 million Americans age 12 or older or 3% had used prescription drugs nonmedically in the past month. Prescription drugs include pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives And 1.3 million Americans or 1% of americans had used hallucinogens including ecstasy and LSD in the past month. Effects of marijuana Some of the short term effects of marijuana are red eyes, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, increased heart rate, and psychosis. The reason this happens is because of the active ingredient in marijuana TetraHydroCannabinol or THC resemble a natural transmitter in your brain called Anandamide. Normally the receptors
Some physical side effects are loss of reflexes and coordination, red eyes, increase in appetite (especially sweets), and nausea due to dizziness (Fact Sheet, 2). Marijuana can cause serious consequences like lack of interest in school, goals, and active interest
Marijuana is a mixture of the dried parts of the cannabis sativa hemp plant. Excessive marijuana use can lead to an addiction. The main chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which moves quickly through the bloodstream and to the brain, causing mild hallucinogenic effects. THC binds with cannabdnob receptors and activates neurons, which causes adverse effects on the mind and body. THC can mimic or block actions of neurotransmitters and interfere with normal functions. Marijuana use can lead to disturbed thoughts and can worsen psychotic symptoms. The short-term effects of marijuana include impaired coordination; skewed sensory and time perception; difficulty with thinking; shortened attention span and distractibility; impaired learning and memory. Long term users of marijuana often experience lowered motivation and some can experience anxiety, panic attacks, respiratory illness, and increased heart rate and risk of heart attack.
1. Attention, memory and learning are impaired among heavy marijuana users, even after users discontinued its use for at least 24 hours. Heavy marijuana use is associated with residual neuropsychological effects even after a day of supervised abstinence from the drug. Heavy users displayed significantly greater impairment than light users on attention/executive functions, as evidenced particularly by greater preservations on card sorting and reduced learning of word lists. These differences remained after controlling for potential confounding variables, such as estimated levels of premorbid cognitive functioning, and for use of alcohol and other substances in the two groups. However, the question remains open
Starting with the physical effects of marijuana abuse, the first and arguably most serious effect of the drug is the damage it causes to the cardiovascular system. After inhaling marijuana, the user is five times more likely to suffer a heart attack. Almost immediately after ingestion, cannabis causes a severe spike in blood pressure and pulse. This change directly increases the
Possibility of addiction is only one of the disadvantages on Marijuana. There are short-term and long-term effects from the use of the drug. The most common short-term effects include paranoia, difficulty with concentration, anxiety, fatigue, and hallucinations. “If you’re not around good people, you will end up having a bad experience and be very paranoid and anxious.” (Daily User One, 2017) This person said that the people you are around and your surroundings in general can also alter how you react to the THC in your system. Other short-term effects that are more dangerous include increased heart rate (which is particularly dangerous to people with heart disease), decreased blood pressure, and damaged blood vessels caused by the smoke. The long-term effects include memory loss, IQ level (due to blood cell lose from smoking), decreased motivation, and ability
THESIS STATEMENT: “Intake of marijuana, whether excessive or not, has different effects to the health of individuals that eventually affects the community as a whole”
Among teens and adults marijuana is the number one drug used for medical and recreational use. Marijuana was not legalized by the states in the U.S. until recently, but it has been in use since the 1970’s. Although, marijuana has been legalized for only a couple of years, the issues of marijuana are becoming a larger epidemic. Many people have the misconceptions that marijuana will not have the same effects as other drugs or even such as tobacco, but after an abundance of research, scientist discovered that marijuana do have similar effects as smoking cigarettes in which children are the most because their brains and bodies are still developing. Not only does it affect their child physically, but also socially. Teenage years are when the
reddened eyes. reduced coordination . anxiety and paranoia.. Larger doses or stronger forms of cannabis can increase these effects, and can cause confusion. Restlessness.
People under the influence of marijuana tend to be less motivated, lack the focus needed to carry out their work effectively, and misjudging time, leading them to fall behind on their work. Physical symptoms to look out for include bloodshot eyes, increased tiredness, and a lack of physical coordination.
One physical side effect of extended marijuana use is increased respiratory problems. Marijuana enlarges the airways of the bronchial passage, which with continued use causes irritation in the bronchial passage. The irritation from marijuana smoke increases the likelihood that a person will suffer from diseases that are related to the lungs like the common cold and pneumonia (Anderson). The main problem with this physical side effect is that users are more susceptible to missing either school days or work days. Another physical side effect of marijuana use is it increases the heart rate of the user for an extended time after use. “This effect may increase the change of heart attack” (NIDA). The increase in heart rate may not be a problem in adolescents, but if marijuana is combined with another stimulate, such as an energy drink, it could create a serious problem. Overall, the use of marijuana effects the user in many ways physically.
Of some of the effects that marijuana can have on the body, many of the effects can either be long term or short term, depending on the amount of marijuana that the user of the substance uses throughout the time that they smoke. Many of the short term effects are no where near as bad as the long term effects, due to the fact that some of the long term effects could possibly alter the users DNA.(Josh Wright) Some of the short and long term effects consist of hallucinations, fantasies, paranoia, laid back, red eyed, bronchitis, emphysema, sore throat, pulmonary disease, impaired motor skills and dryness of mouth est.
cannabis sativa. Marijuana has different names such as, dope, pot, Mary Jane etc. Marijuana has
What is marijuana? What is it made of? Why is cannabis still illegal in certain states? Why does marijuana have so many names? Where do the names come from? What is the marijuana culture and how do they celebrate? How is marijuana beneficial? All these questions roaming through people’s mind. Cannabis is a green mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa. People usually smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints or cigars called blunts, or in a pipe, or an edible. Although many people are against marijuana it has many beneficial effects in many areas such as diseases and education.
Marijuana is a hyperactive drug that stimulates certain receptors in the brain triggered by its neurotransmitters. This results in the brain’s failure to regulate specific body functions and recognize an individual’s emotional responses. In the last century, the amount of marijuana being distributed has significantly increased, further producing exceptionally high percentages of individuals who are currently using it. Researchers say that marijuana has become the #1 addictive drug in America with the potential of producing harmful effects to individuals who consume this substance. The debate on whether marijuana should be pronounced legal in the U.S escalated rather quickly and is still controversial among the states today. Marijuana is a
Bloodshot eyes and a mild high are only a few of the telling symptoms of recent marijuana use, but they describe much more serious medical issues. Smoking is the favored method due to the fact that the main chemical ingredient THC, gets almost instantaneously absorbed into the bloodstream, which allows it to be spread throughout the organs easily. According to writer Ann Pietrangelo, “In the hippocampus, THC changes the way you process information, so your judgment may be impaired.”(Pietrangelo). Judgement impairment is not the only negative effect of THC on the body, it tricks the