On Monday, SuperCareHealth organized an opportunity for me to visit a Barlow Respiratory Hospital located in the Elysian Park neighborhood of Echo Park. A respiratory therapist, Kassandra, and I provided information to the current patients that were occupants of the facility. The hospital is a long-term acute care facility that serves an older patient population. The hospital included patients with conditions associated with respiratory disease along with wound care and chronic conditions. As a pharmacy intern, I educated the patients on the importance of their respiratory medications and the proper way to use their inhaler and/or nebulizer medication. I made sure that the patients knew exactly how to use their inhaler by not only stating
Medical costs are getting too expensive. Ever fought with your insurance providers because they refused to pay for care, or struggle to find an “in-network” provider? I know a woman whose name I will change for her privacy and the struggles she is going through are a perfect example of an issue many people face when dealing with insurance; Nancy’s (name changed for privacy) story is a perfect example of how our healthcare system is no longer working for the people. Nancy is this woman whose husband recently passed away. Nancy used to work for county and county workers cannot receive social security; and Nancy is too
What would you say when I told you that if you look at a list of the worlds developed industrialized nations that there is only one developed country in the world that doesn’t have a universal healthcare system. Some of the countries on this list include Japan, Germany, and even Canada. The United States, a global power, our home and the world’s largest economy is the only westernized industrial country without universal healthcare. The amount of people dying due to a lack of medical coverage is at an all-time high, while the U.S also has the most expensive healthcare system in the world for its citizens. According to Toni Johnson, author of the article “Healthcare Costs and U.S Competiveness” “The United States spends an estimated $2 trillion annually on healthcare expenses, more than any other industrialized country. According to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States spends two-and-a-half times more than the OECD average, and yet ranks with Turkey and Mexico as the only OECD countries without universal health coverage.” (Johnson) For a country that spends so much it seems strange we do not even offer the best health care in the world. It also seems even stranger that there are over 45 million Americans who are going without health insurance. (Johnson) Universal health care is defined as a basic guarantee of health care to all its
Mrs. Lawson received services from Gentiva Home Health from January 2015- May 20, 2015. During this time, Mrs. Lawson received Oxygen Therapy and Physical Therapy from January-March. Mrs. Lawson discharged from Gentiva following a short admission to the hospital on March 30, 2015 due to COPD exacerbation. Following discharge from hospital Gentiva resumed services that include bath aid from April 21, 2015- May 6, 2015 and nurse services once weekly from January 2015-March 30, 2015 and April 2015-May2015. During this time, Ms. Lawson refused to have them in the home once and on 3/24, the therapist was concerned that Mrs. Lawson had not received oxygen treatment in over a week. Apparently, Mrs. Lawson or Lisa was unaware of where all the oxygen equipment was located. During their time in the home, these two incidents were their only reason for
* Train in policies and procedures of the organization, especially the procedures relating to administration of medication, and relevant job roles.
Tricare, which was formerly known as the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, is a health care program of the United States Department of Defense Military Health System. Tricare provides civilian health benefits for U.S Armed Forces military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents, including some members of the Reserve Component. There are three types of medical plans with Tricare: Standard, Extra, and Prime.
Just like Medicare and Medicaid are insurances in place to help certain types of patients in a population, Tricare is insurance used by active military, retirees, and their families and is run by the Department of Defense. It is also used as a secondary plan (or, when paired with Medicare a tertiary, insurance plan) behind a private plan, such a BlueCross BlueShield. Since Tricare is a government based plan, it does have limitations, such as all procedures needing to have preauthorization and patients seeing doctors within a specific network. It has many different levels to fit any veteran’s lifestyle and needs.
This hospital is a 65-bed rural hospital but it is the job of every hospital to give the best patient care possible. With a
I didn’t know what to expect with my observation with the respiratory therapist. All what I knew about them was they floated around and gave patients aerosol breathing treatments. I learned that a respiratory therapist does a lot more than that. They have access to the Pixis, and are able to give patients any type of respiratory medication. They teach patients how to correctly use inhalers. They educate their patients on way they have to do breathing treatments, or why they have to take certain respiratory medications. They also do an examination to find out what type of breathing treatment or oxygen device is needed to help a patient get the oxygen they need, or help with expanding their lungs, etc
The united states have a unique health care system of delivery that pursues to target some specific areas. The health reform, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also called the Obama care (2010), which holds the promise of universal health coverage under government mandates. With a predominant role that is play from the government the Health Care Reform is said to be, one of the most important pieces of legislation today. Universal health care is the pourpose that all citizens should have access to affordable, high-quality medical care and acces to primary care. Health care reform will provide every American with the ability to obtain, health insurance regardless of race, ethnicity, or income. With universal health care, everyone’s
In my NUR-301 Class, I had the opportunity to practice on Interprofessional Education. Our nursing student team was partnered with first year pharmacy school students to learn about each other professions and to study on how we could work in a team of healthcare professionals to attain a common goal. As this was my first time experience to meet other students from a different department of Notre Dame of Maryland University, I was not sure what to expect from our discussions. Even if I have some experiences working both in hospitals and in a pharmacy, I was no fully aware of the responsibilities of a pharmacist directly to the patient or to the healthcare field specialists.
Banner Health is a nonprofit organization that consists of twenty-four acute care hospitals and health care facilities in seven different states. In 1999, Samaritan Health System merged together with Lutheran Health Systems to form what is currently known as Banner Health. This organization prioritizes their aim to make a difference in their patients’ lives by providing exceptional patient care. Banner Health utilizes music therapy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, and pet therapy as an integral part of the healing process for their patients. They also offer specialized care through various types of services such as Alzheimer’s Care, Cancer Care, and Emergency Care. Banner Health is involved in certain programs that will help
During my internship, I could apply the knowledge and skills learned from my core courses. This experience will allow me to work with John Hopkins Outpatient Pharmacy Operations Manager, Toni Carter-Radden and Johns Hopkins Clinical Infusion Pharmacy Manager, Michael Grimes and acquire insights into the management through observation, participation, and practical application of administrative skills.
Throughout this internship, I wasn’t forced to just watch on the sidelines. I was able to interact with patients and hear their stories. I was able to assist in performing electrotherapy, hot therapy, and cold therapy. I realized how important bedside manner is, especially when patients are despondent.
A health care provider is any individual, institution, or agency that provides health services to health care consumers otherwise known as patients (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Health+care+service+provider). Health care providers are vital because they are trained to provide health services to patients which help treat illnesses, diseases, broken bones, or any injuries or health issues in which they are trained to treat.