
Summary: The Australian Professional Teaching Standards

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Australian teachers must possess both comprehensive pedagogical knowledge and an exceptional content knowledge in their chosen specialty field to create a positive, effective, and authentic learning environment. An effective learning, in accordance with The Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting Authority, provides learners with general capabilities, content and encourages confident, involved learners and effective communicators (2014). The Australian Professional Teaching Standards define the elements required to ensure high quality teaching explicitly across seven standards, of which the first four will be addressed in this task. However, it is worthy of note that all seven standards are interrelated and complementary …show more content…

This element of the design aligns with the concept of an anticipatory set to increase possibilities for the students to focus on the right networks and relevant information for a particular topic or issue (Wolfe, 1998). Knowing today’s students require essential skills in literacy and numeracy and to be productive users of technology, especially ICT, the unit included several lessons, which effectively embed authentic use of ICT to enhance the learning experience, included use of YouTube clips, PowerPoints and Excel for graphing etc. see highlighted section in lessons 1 to 8 (yellow) (2.6, 3.4 & 4.5 AITSL, 2011). While the topic of the unit contains numeracy skills, the literacy skills are well addressed in the inclusion of written answers focusing on appropriate scientific discourse, which incorporates APTS 2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies (AITSL, …show more content…

These standards are evident in the following areas; Explicit Instruction has been used throughout the unit, where rather than stating a rule or simply demonstrating the use of the rule or strategy, each of the steps in applying the rule or strategy is demonstrated with precise explanations (Archer & Hughes, 2011; Kinder & Carnine, 1991). Guided inquiry has been incorporated throughout the unit to provide students with an opportunity to learn concepts more quickly through examples and matched non-examples presented back-to-back (Kinder & Carnine, 1991). During these parts of the lessons the students are guided through several examples using the concepts discussed. Because students ‘have to process new material in order to transfer it from our working memory to our long-term memory. . . to elaborate, review, rehearse, summarize, or enhance the material’, students are given opportunities to practice and consolidate the skills they have learnt during independent practice and homework tasks(Rosenshine, 1986, p.

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