
Summary: The Dangers Of Genetic Manipulation

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The idea of genetic modification and manipulation has dominated movie themes for many years. From the recreation of dinosaurs in Jurassic Park and the creation of a superhero in SpiderMan, the idea of genetic alterations has been made to seem as if it were to be limited to the silver screen. However, with today’s developing technology, both the dangers and benefits of genetic manipulation are coming to life. Recently, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority in the United Kingdom authorized the Francis Crick Institute in London to modify human embryos using the new gene editing technique called CRISPR-Cas9. This new technology could be used to modify disease-causing genes in embryos, thus removing the faulty script from the genetic …show more content…

The process of genetic engineering employs viral vectors that carry functional genes inside the human body. No previous research has proven where the functional genes are being placed in the body, running the risk that the important genes would be replaced instead of mutated genes. Therefore this may lead to another health condition or disease to humans that is yet unknown. Also, as defective genes are replaced with a functional gene, then it is expected that there will be a reduction in genetic diversity. By replacing naturally occurring genes, human beings will begin to have identical genomes. If this occurs, then population as a whole will be more susceptible to viruses or any form of diseases because mutations in the genome will be reduced. Genetic engineering could also create unknown side effects that could ultimately be more harmful than helpful. Certain changes in a plant or animal could cause unpredicted allergic reactions in some people which, in its original form, did not occur. Other changes could result into the toxicity of an organism to humans or other organisms. Additionally, "Playing God" has become a prominent argument against genetic engineering. Several issues have also been raised in regards to the acceptance of this technology. As more human genes are utilized in non-human organisms to create new forms of life, they are genetically becoming part human. Therefore, new ethical questions are arising. For instance, the percentage of human genes an organism must have to contain before it can be considered human is questioned. Human genes are now being spliced into the genes of tomatoes and peppers to make them grow faster. It can be asked, how many human genes would a green pepper have to contain before it can be eaten without raising a moral issue? People are now suggesting that one can now be a vegetarian and a cannibal at the same time. For carnivores, the same question could

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