
Summary: The Effects Of Alcohol On Prenatal Development

Decent Essays

The affects of alcohol on a baby while in the womb can be very fatal. Yet many women will still continue to drink though pregnancy. Sarah a young woman recently got married and she and her husband Tom want to start a family. Sarah heard there are many substances that should be avoided during pregnancy and she is very concerned about alcohol. She usually drinks wine on the weekends with her friends, and usually has a glass of wine with Tom at the end of each workday. Sarah wants to know how substances can affect prenatal development, specially the effects of alcohol. Sarah has many questions like should she stop drinking all together or drink in small quantities when pregnant, should she change her alcohol consumption while trying to get pregnant, can she wait till she finds out she pregnant or wait even longer into the pregnancy to change her behaviors. I am going to answer her questions by discussing the potential effects of alcohol on physical, cognitive, and behavior development, and discussing how teratogen and timing of exposure can affect the baby.
Sarah’s first question is should she not stop drinking alcohol all together or drink wine in small quantities when she gets pregnant. Sarah should not drink at all while drinking. Children of alcoholics are at a great risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. When …show more content…

I would advise Sarah not to even drink while trying to get pregnant. Alcohol can affect the fetus while trying to get pregnant, and Sarah should definitely not drink when she finds out she is pregnant. If she does she could cause serious long lasting harm to her baby. The threshold effect is a point at which a stimulus is sufficient enough that it can become to produce an effect. If Sarah drinks enough while pregnant she could have threshold effect that could harm the baby’s physical, cognitive, or behavior

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