
Summary: The Effects Of Human Connection On Addiction

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The Effects of Human Connection on Addiction
Human connections are essential to preventing and fighting addiction. When people cannot connect to others in a healthy way, they turn to addiction to numb their mind and give them temporary relief (Hari, 2015). Since addiction is caused by a person’s inability to connect to others in a healthy way, actions should be taken to help addicts to gain connections with others.
Addiction and the Brain Approximately one person in the world dies every ten seconds from alcohol consumption, one in every three American adults drink alcohol excessively, and one in every thirty American adults is dependent on alcohol (Wride, 2014). Addiction is steadily getting worse, not better. Although alcohol addiction is very prominent, it is not the only type that plagues people. There is proof of many others.
The Brain …show more content…

There has been much research to prove that drugs cause chemical and structural changes in the brain and its function. As stated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “[Addiction] is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain—they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long-lasting, and can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs” (2014). When the brain is chemically or structurally altered, it changes how the brain functions, influencing continued use of the drug (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014). Even though the changes in the brain lead to continued use of the drug and other harmful behaviors exhibited by those who use drugs, people often begin and continue taking drugs because of a lack of healthy connections to other people. Once a person learns to develop healthy relationships with other people, he or she stops taking drugs (Hari,

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