Hunting is an extremely controversial topic in the world today. Hunting is the pursuit of a game species that is typically use for food or other practices. On average people who hunt, use the animals they kill for food purposes. Some people think that people hunt for only pleasure. However, hunting is good for the environment and allows animals to thrive. Hunting is a good thing that helps the economy, conservation, job market, and environment. Over eighty-five percent of game animals are used for food. The majority of hunters only hunt to provide a cheaper source of meat to support their families. Much of the other twenty-five percent either are poached or fur bearing animals. The deer are mostly hit between the months of October and December. Due to all of the costly repairs that vehicles need people and insurance companies spend thousands of dollars a year to fix their cars and sometimes hospital …show more content…
The ECC is the amount of animals a specific amount of land can hold with a healthy feedback. The DNR services have figured out that if there are too many animals then animals will starve to death, suffer from malnutrition and be killed by disease. The effect of too many animals happens many times in wildlife parks and other places where people are not allowed to hunt. Hunters are also the main contributor to conservation. Hunters contribute to places like Yellowstone National Park, and other large game reserves. They also try to help other countries very often. Most hunters that travel to places like Africa where there are starving people help to feed them. They go and kill their game animals and only take the more precious cuts of meat home the rest is left there for the villages and tribes. Many of the people that are hunter contribute to places like the African Game Association and they put their money to protecting to endangered
Hunting is a common activity all around the world, and if performed properly, can have many benefits to us and the rest of the planet. The art of hunting has been around since the beginning of time. Living off of the land used to be a necessity across the world, until the mass production of food came along. In America, people do not usually need to hunt to survive. However, the population of animal species needs to be controlled. Too many of one type of animal can cause a drastic change to any ecosystem. Food supplies decline quickly, leaving many animals without food. Hunting can help keep the population of a group of animals at a good number, making the lives of the other
Hunting is something we've done since we've been on this planet. We used to do it out of necessity, but in the modern world we do it for many other reasons. As technology has increased, we have developed different methods of hunting. These methods have carried over to today, but two have prevailed: bowhunting and rifle hunting. These methods are both hunting--obviously--but they're different in almost every other sense. Bowhunting and rifle hunting are different based on the weapon used, the way you hunt, and your connection with the animal and the land around it; however, the same in the way the respective methods bring people together.
There are hunters all over the world that use the sport as more than just enjoyment and a goal to get a trophy. Over 200 million animals are killed every year from hunting for the purpose of food and land protection. Farmers who grow corn and vegetables need to kill animals that eat the precious
I personally agree that hunting is extremely necessary. I think that whether it's for food or for a sport it doesn't make a difference. I hunt so I can personally say that it is important and I can see why some people enjoy it. It takes a variety of skills and a lot of patients. It also does keep animal populations down which lowers the amount of road killed deer. This is extremely beneficial for drivers because when you hit a deer it can do a lot of damage to the vehicle and endanger the occupants of the
Hunting nowadays is becoming more popular around the world. There are many different types of animals that you can
Hunting has been around for as long as people have been on this earth and if that were taken away completely some people would lose that sense of nature to hunt. Hunting is people who kill animals for food, clothing, or sport. In 2011 13.7 million people, 6% of the U.S. population 16 years old and older, hunted. Big game like elk, deer and wild
By definition, hunting is anything that involves killing game animals for food or sport. However, it is so much more than that. Beginning with the basics, the gear for hunting usually involves a firearm, bow, knife, or even sometimes dogs. Using these weapons, one can hunt anytime including day or night to take on the challenge of attempting to kill a game animal. These game animals can range anywhere from a varmint to an elk but mainly include mammals. The objective may be to either sit or wait for game or even sometimes attempting to stalk the target. Though this sport is sometimes underestimated for the amount of danger involved, it definitely has risks. Being in the wild with certain animals such as a bear can turn into a situation that could be life threatening if certain precautions aren’t taken. Furthermore, surrounding objects such as snakes or even the firearm being used can also pose a threat at times. Though there are plenty of animals to hunt, many people still see this as a sport that is unethical to the animals. Unlike other sports,
Hunting and hunters are the biggest advocates for conservation. They also provide for the most finical aid of any other organization that says they sponsor the environment and wildlife. (SDGFP)(2). Such organizations are PETA and SEIRRA. These clubs think they help the animals and the environment because they do not kill them, but they actually do more damage. Their goal is to save the animals and keep the woods from being touched. They hardly give any money to the conservation groups. The reason the ecosystems have to use conservation is because we have to much human interaction with the environment, as Roger Holmes touches on in his article. Like in small communities there is a lot more wildlife human interaction because the expanding nation. The PETA and SEIRRA clubs have also done nothing for the growth of the animal populations. The hunters have given new life to many species such as; White-Tailed Deer, Canadian goose, Rocky Mountain Elk, Wild Turkey, Pronghorn Antelope, and many others.
Although you may spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on all the gear and clothing and what not you use to hunt with, hunting can be a great way to put food on the table on a very tight budget. It is cheaper to buy a tag and hunting license for the animal you are going to be hunting than it is to go to the store and buy the meat and you don't get near as much from the store with your money as you would if you were to go hunting and get the animal yourself. One deer or elk or whatever big game animal you go after could feed your family for several months, maybe even a year as to where if you were to buy food from the store it might only last you and your family a couple weeks. So hunting is a cheap and easy way to feed your family if you are on a very tight
Hunting is the practice of pursuing wildlife in order to kill it. Individuals who hunt do so for a variety of reasons while wildlife activists oppose hunters’ views and practices. Many people in rural areas of the United States hunt in order to harvest lean, organic, healthy meat for personal consumption. Some individuals hunt because it is tradition and a significant part of their heritage. Others choose to hunt as a means to escape the ins and outs of a chaotic society while taking in the serenity of the great outdoors in a therapeutic manner. Some hunters enjoy hunting for the thrill and the challenge of the chase. Other reasons people hunt include trophy hunting, travel to exotic locations, spending quality time with family and friends, and wildlife conservation. Individuals who are against hunting typically argue that hunting is inhumane and is considered cruelty to animals. Due to the benefits of properly managed ethical hunting, hunting should be legal within the United States.
The deer and elk population is growing at an alarming rate. According to Outdoor Life, the "Whitetail deer population grew from 29.8 million in 1994 to 32.7 million today." According to Garth Kidd, the solution to this overgrowth problem is hunting. If we were to get rid of hunting,
Hunting is beneficial to our society and therefore should be allowed. Historically human beings have been pursuing wild animals to provide their families with food, clothing, and shelter. In modern times the need for hunting for survival has lessened because of the development of animal husbandry and agriculture. There were times in history worldwide when hunting became profitable and hunters began killing animals for their fur, skins, and meat. Then it became necessary to put regulations in to effect to preserve wildlife as well as to somewhat appease the critics who felt hunting should be illegal. Three main reasons why hunting should be allowed is to
Harvesting game not only benefit the land and wildlife; it also helps out a family. Venison and other wild game meats are healthy and great sources of protein. Over forty meals can be made with a single deer, which can feed a family of four ten times. The price of a hunting license and game tag combined is around eighty dollars; that can really help out a family in need. Instead of buying beef at a store which came from a slaughter house, you can pay for a hunting license and a game tag, and go harvest a deer. That deer will put food on your table and keep the game population managed. Humans might not find benefit to the hide nowadays, but that is no reason not to hunt. Hunting is still beneficial to the animals and yourself.
Everyday thousands of animals are brutally murdered by people that participate in the recreational activity that is hunting. Hunting is an activity that involves a person attempting to kill or trap an animal. Hunting is mainly done to animals in the wildlife and often in cases are used for food, clothing, recreation or trade. In my opinion hunting is morally wrong.
Although hunting for animals played a crucial part in the human survival thousands of years ago, hunting today is nothing but a way to be entertained. Hunters these days don't hunt for their needs but their wants. “Hunting for sport, for trophies, and for food is a very popular enterprise around the world. For many people, shooting an animal and watching it fall is a satisfying, not horrific, experience” 8 Endangered Species Still Hunted June