
Summary: The Health Benefits Of Hunting

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Hunting is an extremely controversial topic in the world today. Hunting is the pursuit of a game species that is typically use for food or other practices. On average people who hunt, use the animals they kill for food purposes. Some people think that people hunt for only pleasure. However, hunting is good for the environment and allows animals to thrive. Hunting is a good thing that helps the economy, conservation, job market, and environment. Over eighty-five percent of game animals are used for food. The majority of hunters only hunt to provide a cheaper source of meat to support their families. Much of the other twenty-five percent either are poached or fur bearing animals. The deer are mostly hit between the months of October and December. Due to all of the costly repairs that vehicles need people and insurance companies spend thousands of dollars a year to fix their cars and sometimes hospital …show more content…

The ECC is the amount of animals a specific amount of land can hold with a healthy feedback. The DNR services have figured out that if there are too many animals then animals will starve to death, suffer from malnutrition and be killed by disease. The effect of too many animals happens many times in wildlife parks and other places where people are not allowed to hunt. Hunters are also the main contributor to conservation. Hunters contribute to places like Yellowstone National Park, and other large game reserves. They also try to help other countries very often. Most hunters that travel to places like Africa where there are starving people help to feed them. They go and kill their game animals and only take the more precious cuts of meat home the rest is left there for the villages and tribes. Many of the people that are hunter contribute to places like the African Game Association and they put their money to protecting to endangered

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