The Health Effects of Anabolic Steroid Use What health effects do anabolic steroid use? According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, it is estimated that over five-hundred thousand students grades eight to tenth use anabolic steroids. In another study done by the administration also reported that point five percent of the adult population use or have used anabolic steroids. Though these numbers might seem small the effects of steroids can be detrimental to the health of a user. Anabolic steroids can affect the human body through the side effects, short term effects, and the long term effects; these effects can effect a user’s physical, mental, or internal health. Due to all the negative effects of anabolic steroids they should be avoided. The side effects of these steroids can greatly effect a user’s physical health. Throughout research it has been found that females that use steroids are prone to lose hair on their head and gain more hair in unusual areas for hair growth. Researchers and doctors have also found that the voice of a female user deepens, do to the high levels of testosterone in steroids. In male, users it’s been found that their testicles shrink. Muscle growth has also been found as a side effect for both males and females. Equally important to physical side …show more content…
Researchers have found that both LDL and HDL levels in the blood stream will elevate in a steroid user. They’ve also found that in the heart the left ventricle will become enlarged. Due to the enlargement of the heart’s left ventricle a user tends to have many heart problems as a side effect such as heart disease and heart attack. They have a side effect that user’s risks of having a stroke are severely elevated. Another internal health problem medical researchers have discovered is that a user’s blood pressure will become elevated as the use anabolic
Anabolic steroids are taken by tablet, injection, and also by pads on the skin. Even with the possible benefits that steroids could possibly have there are many many more dangers. Some of these include deep depression, aggression, and bad nervousness. Some physical dangers include high blood pressure, liver disorders, and even going bald. The athlete that makes the poor decision to use steroids, also faces the danger of getting caught and being suspended or even banned from the professional sport of which they
Later it was discovered that anabolic steroids could facilitate the growth of skeletal muscle which led to abuse by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes in other sports. Abuse of anabolic steroids can cause acne, breast development in men, heart attacks, and liver cancer. Most side effects are reversible if the abuser stops taking the drugs, but some are permanent, such as voice deepening in females. Possible health consequences for men are infertility, shrinking of the testicles, and male-pattern baldness while with women enlargement of the clitoris, and excessive growth of body hair can happen. It can affect the musculoskeletal & cardiovascular system, liver, skin, cause infection, and have psychiatric effects such as rage, aggression, mania, and delusions. Treatment of anabolic steroid abuse uses medications to restore the hormonal system after its disruption, and medication to target specific withdrawal symptoms.
Steroids can also cause hair loss, formation of “Mini breasts” and penile shrinking and low to no sperm production. Steroids can also cause heart disease, pain while urinating, HIV/aids from sharing needles, and cancer. Withdraw symptoms also start up after taking “roids”. Illness, dizziness, vision problems, anxiety, and depression are just some of the problems that can happen to the body and mind.
Users have different reasons for doping and, subsequently, steroids have different health consequences. Some common side effects from steroid use are the following: acne, genital changes, water retention, yellowing of the eyes and skin; women may experience: male-pattern baldness, decreased breast size, deeper voices, hairy bodies, and menstrual irregularities; men may experience: reduced sperm production, shrinking of the testicles, impotence, difficulty or pain in urinating, baldness, and irreversible breast enlargement. But these are just minor setbacks right? One could say that, like those aren’t bad, but researchers have also linked steroid abuse to much more serious risks such as: fatal liver cysts, liver cancer, blood clotting, cholesterol changes, hypertension, stroke, and even heart attack. Despite all these potential problems, many still choose to take steroids.
; "Nacho Libre," directed by Jared Hess and released in 2006, is a comedy film that teaches its audience life lessons. Within the film, it captures the essence of personal growth by highlighting the significance of following one's passions wholeheartedly. It portrays the difficulties that accompany pursuing unique dreams and realising that opportunities must be seized instead, in spite of conflicting religious and interpersonal principles overlayed by a comedic lens. In the movie Nacho Libre, the protagonist overcomes social expectations and physical and psychological challenges through perseverance in order to follow their dreams. The main character, Nacho, aspires to be a wrestler in order to supply the orphans with nutritious and quality meals in the monastery located in Mexico, which prohibits
The effects on men is larger breasts, smaller testicles and a lower sperm count. The effects for male and female are acne, hairless, upset stomach, mood swings, difficulty urinating and rapid weight gain. He worst kind of effects happens when over abuse theses steroids, this can cause changes in your blood, liver, kidneys and heart. It may even cause some type of cancers (Scot 47, 97). If young adults take steroids it can stunt their growth. Once you stop taking steroids in a few months you will lose all of your muscle mass and withdrawal of steroids can cause sever depression. ( lukas “big on drugs”). One effect of steroids that people don’t usually want is good in sports. Steroids increase aggression and hostile behavior. They say it helps them get pumped for the game (Scot
The negative effects of these drugs range far and many. For men the effects are much worse. For instance there is increased irritability and aggressiveness also called "roid rages". Then comes the Acne, due to the stimulation of the oil glands in the skin. You can also start developing premature hair loss and a bloated appearance from excess salt and water being retained by the body. The last effect is due to the effect of steroids on the testicles. The brain monitors the amount of testosterone in the body, if it detects a large amount (due to steroids) it will stop the testicles producing more and so less sperm is produced and impotence may occur, which also may result in a decreased sex drive. Apart from the hair loss, the above effects are generally reversible upon stopping steroid use. Adolescent steroid use may lead to a premature fusion of the epiphyses (the end of growing bones) which can lead to stunted growth.(Paterson pg 102)
Anabolic pose a ton of risk while associating with them as they are addictive and can pose health risks with abuse leading people to believe that they are bad and should be banned across all sports and taking them off doctors prescriptions, numerous risks involve shrinking of the testicals, heart conditions, strokes, blood clots and other physical defects.Leading to bad physical proportion and one example is men growing breasts and as said before shrinking of testicals leading to a lower sex drive, infertility testicular cancer and as serious as death. These are all risks associated with abuse of anabolic steroids where Corticosteroids risks are likely Bone density, ulcers, osteoporosis and numerous types of infections. (William A. Darity, Jr 2008, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner K. Lee Lerner 2012, Elizabeth Magill 2011, Barbra C. 2007, Stacey L. Blachford and Kristine Krapp,
People may start to abuse anabolic steroids because they want to increase their muscle size and strength along with their endurance. They also may use them to help with reducing body fat. Athletes and body builders may use them to gain improvements in their physical performance and to help with their competitiveness. Some potentially severe and sometimes irreversible physical side effects that steroid abuse can have on the body are causing cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks and strokes. Steroids can increase blood cholesterol levels and cause high blood pressure. They can cause severe acne, thinning of the hair and baldness, fluid retention, body hair growth, infertility, and liver damage and disorders including cancer and tumors.
Anabolic steroids are used as performance-enhancing drugs to increase the ability to do work and exercise by stimulating muscle growth and power. This increase function comes with a cost of potentially life-threatening side effects. The complications of anabolic steroid abuse are a result of excess testosterone affecting almost all the organ systems in the body. Some of the effects are reversible and decrease when the drug abuse stops while other are permanent. Life-threatening side effects include heart attack and stroke, the risk of forming blood clots, liver cancer, and liver failure. The skin is often affected by excess steroid use and the issues are similar to the adolescent male going through puberty with its testosterone spike. Acne
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the effects of Anabolic Steroids in peoples bodies.
Another effect from steroid use is health problems. They are high blood pressure and heart disease, liver damage and cancer, kidney and prostate problems and increased risk of ruptured tendons… acne and hair loss, as well as gender-specific problems: atrophy of the testicles, reduced sperm count and the growth of breasts in men; the growth of body hair, deeper voice and menstrual problems in women… altered moods, depression and "roid rage", hallucinations, paranoia and anxiety. In adolescents, they can stunt growth by signaling the body
Steroids have a long-term, negative effect on the human body. These effects range from cardiovascular problems to mental and psychological issues such as rage and anger problems. Steroid use has been linked to increased alcohol consumption, marijuana use, cigarette smoking, and narcotic use (Buckman, Farris & Yusko, 2013). Many athletes may not be aware of the lasting effects steroids can have because all they are worried about is their performance, not their health.
However, steroids should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate the whole body system. When injected one risks the chances of developing hematoma and contracting AIDS. In women steroids contribute to the growth of facial hair, enlargements of the clitoris, shrinkage of the uterus, sterility, deepening of the voice, decrease in breast size and irregularity of the menstrual cycle. In men steroids cause shrinkage of the testicles, decrease in sperm count, sterility, impotence, prostate enlargement and growth of female breast. In both men and women hair loss, liver ailments, acne, atherosierosis and cancer are very common. This dangerous drug shortens the life span up to twenty years and increases the chance of obtaining diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The side effects and reactions from enduring anabolic steroids are endless.
According to Brower, withdrawal symptoms might be developed in the individuals who stop taking anabolic steroids after they have taken excessive amount of anabolic steroids over sustained period. The symptoms included mood swings, insomnia, depressed mood, reduced libido, anorexia, weight loss, and even suicidal thoughts. Despite of these behavioral changes, others common adverse effects of anabolic steroids are liver failure, endocrine dysfunction, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and difficulties in blood clotting. For men, they may experience gynecomastia (breast development and enlargement), reduced fertility, shrunken testes, decreasing in sperm amount, decreased production of testosterone, development of prostate cancer due to the enlargement of the gland, and baldness, and masculinization in women and children. In women, excessive anabolic steroids will lead to breast reduction, swollen clitoris, masculinization, deepen voice, growth of body and facial hair, menstrual disruption and also increased risk of birth defects.