
Summary: The Match With Dighton

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The match with Dighton was yesterday, Dighton was come early than they should be so we guess they were dismissed from school, and Coach said they could walk here, why they have to being dismissed. We started at 3:30, have 7 people who actually play for score. Corinne Morhy is the first single player, second single is Catie Ledwidge, and Molly Belanger is the third single. Me and Jenna Hodgson are playing first double, when we were try out, my point is playing third single but i don’t really want to so the person right after me will play is Molly, last is second double, they are juniors Abbey Tavares and Bianca Andronic. My first service is too strong for them, if i missed it, the second service is the chance for them to hit it back. We won,

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