
Summary: The Musculoskeletal System

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The musculoskeletal system is a combination of the muscular and skeletal systems working as one and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body. Acute exercise lasts for the length of a training session. During this time our bodies respond to the physical stress of the activity in lots of different ways. These are called acute responses. Acute responses are immediate responses to exercise, such as an increase in heart rate as there is a higher demand for oxygenated blood around the body, the body temperature will also increase. The musculoskeletal system allows and enables the body to move through a system of muscles, bones, tendons, cartilage and ligaments. The body moves through different muscular contractions, these contractions are performed using the nervous system; every muscle has an insertion in a bone, therefore when the muscle contracts the bone is pulled towards the muscle contracting at the time. A response the musculoskeletal system has to acute exercise is an increase in need of oxygen; this means that an increase in blood flow is needed so the muscle can get enough oxygen so they keep working efficiently. The way the body gets blood to pump around the body faster is that the left ventricle gets larger so more blood can be pump each time, the heart will also pump blood faster and the capillaries will dilate which allows more blood to flow through them. Muscles are more able to stretch and become more elasticated when warm, this is known as their pliability, and this helps to reduce the risk of injury or tight muscle …show more content…

This energy is transferred from the food into the contractile proteins in the muscles. The ability for the body to do this will determine the capacity at which the body is able to exercise at different intensities. This will also affect how soon the athlete will burn that energy taken in.

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