
Summary: The Music Boosters

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A group of parents called The Music Boosters want to buy t-shirts for the 8th grade Johnson Middle School music program. They have saved $435 dollars from fundraising. They want ShirtsR-U to make them the shirts, The Music Boosters find out that there is a one time setup fee of $56. Every shirt will cost them $9.25 (including tax) they have 52 students that will receive shirts. Will the fundraised money be enough to pay for the shirts? If not what would be the price that the Booster need to negotiate per shirt so all 52 students may have one. To find out if The Music Boosters have enough money for 52 shirts we will multiply the original cost of each shirt which is $9.25. We get the total of $481 and add it to 56 our setup fee. The price of

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