A group of parents called The Music Boosters want to buy t-shirts for the 8th grade Johnson Middle School music program. They have saved $435 dollars from fundraising. They want ShirtsR-U to make them the shirts, The Music Boosters find out that there is a one time setup fee of $56. Every shirt will cost them $9.25 (including tax) they have 52 students that will receive shirts. Will the fundraised money be enough to pay for the shirts? If not what would be the price that the Booster need to negotiate per shirt so all 52 students may have one. To find out if The Music Boosters have enough money for 52 shirts we will multiply the original cost of each shirt which is $9.25. We get the total of $481 and add it to 56 our setup fee. The price of
The cost for the project is 44,000 dollars. According to the Department of Transportation, warning lights cost 23,000 and gates are 11,000 each. The resources needed are warning lights and two crossing gates it will be 44,000 dollars in total. According to the United States Census Bureau and some simple calculations I have concluded that The Chelsea Public Works Department makes 1,248,700.46 dollars yearly. Only 500,000 to 800,000 dollars is used yearly leaving 448700.46 dollars unused, so we will not have to worry about raising taxes or a fundraiser. Since their will still be money left, 1,000 dollars will be donated to each Chelsea School
The biggest challenge that they face as a company is they do not have the room the increase expenditure by such a vast amount. Currently there is $3,675,000 in promotional dollars allocated as follows; sales and administration expense (995,000), cooperative advertising programs with retailers (1,650,000), consumer advertising (562,000) and trade promotion (467,000). adding the $225,000 increase in consumer advertising will not allow the 5% of expected sales for total promo expenditures. John Bott, the vice president of sales disagreed with the budget allocation and noted that sales expenses and administration cost were projected to be $65,000 in 2008. This led him to believe that an additional sales representative would be needed to service company accounts because 50 were being added. Therefore he estimated this addition would cost at least $70,000 including salary and expenses in 2008. Bott also stated that “That's about $135,000 in additional sales expense that have to be added to our promotional budget for 2008”
QUESTION 3: What price increase would be required to cover the increase in cost of hiring the press if unit volume (copies per issue) remain the same?
Additional sales dollars to cover the advertising expense = Total Sales Dollars – Unit Price = $3.33 - $2.00 = $1.33
250,000 + 5,000 + 57,500 = 312,500 total base . 250,000/312,500 = 80% of the actual price of the arrangement to be allocated to the software. 5,000/ 312,500 = 1.6% of the actual price of the arrangement to be allocated to the installation. 57,500/ 312,500 = 18.4% of the actual price of the arrangement to be allocated to the technical support. The relative price of the software would be $240,000, the relative price of the installation would be $4,800 and the
Peter’s Peripherals assembles multimedia upgrade kits --- sets of components for adding sound and video to desktop computers. The demand for their kits for the next four quarters is estimated in the table below. Unit manufacturing cost for each kit is $160. Holding costs on each kit is $80 per quarter. Any kit that must be delivered late is assessed a backorder cost of $120. Each worker is capable of finishing 10 kits per quarter. If the company chooses to vary work force levels, it will incur costs of $400 for each additional worker; $600 for each termination. The company currently has 28 employees.
The first music seed strategy I chose was the Energizer/ Warm-up Musical Memories. This strategy has students listen to descriptions of sounds with their eyes shut. Students are prompted to create images in their mind that coincide with these sounds. After plenty of time has been allowed, ask students to describe or write the images that came to mind. This fosters visualization, because the student has to create images in their mind. These images help further comprehension. The student is given time to reflect on descriptions of sound, and given a safe space to explore their knowledge. This image creation also helps with retention, because when the student hears the sound the image will then come to mind and vice versa. The connection between
Over the years, musicians have allowed their music to be used in advertisements for various businesses. However, doesn’t the artist’s creativity in their music fade away after it has been used in various commercials? Most importantly, advertisements may change the lyrics to a song to relate to the product, so the business would benefit more and take the focus away from what really matters, the music.
The total amount that Kelsey and Cody will finance with the additional purchases will be $2773.
If you live in the D.C. metro area, there’s a fairly high chance that you may have heard go-go music. You may have been walking down the street in D.C. and heard people banging on trash cans and not even realized what kind of music it was.
Price: What is the cost (financial or nonfinancial) to the priority population to obtain the product and its benefits? In the budget I submitted there was a cost of $43,266 for the first year. We have sponsorships and a fundraiser but we will have to do some grant writing for the next three years while we institute the program. In anticipation of potential classroom interruptions and challenges while the program is being introduced we have recruited support from parents, mentors provided by our business partner and our sponsor Northern Mutual Insurance Corporation to provide tutoring and other supports as needed before and after school, once or twice a week. The district has increased its budget for paraprofessionals. Some of paraprofessionals within the district at a nearby school will be flexing their time between schools to provide additional in classroom support for the most challenging classrooms or students. When we successfully implement the program we hope to use the same paraprofessionals that are trained to begin the program in the other school. This program will cost everyone in the school extra effort to implement, in addition to any financial cost.
As a reviewer it’s becoming increasingly difficult to review albums within the realm of emo or indie punk or whatever you want to call the genre. In fact, every time I review a band that I feel like deserves some attention within the muddied genre, it’s hard as hell to actually say what sets them apart from everyone else. Because of this, I constantly feel like I am repeating myself, falling into an endless cycle of saying the album “jams” or how it “makes you feel”. Unfortunately, with Remo Drive’s [i]Greatest Hits[/i] many of the same things can be applied to the three piece’s first full length effort. However, there is something there that truly makes these guys special, and I guess I’ll attempt to articulate why.
The concert, “Masterpieces by American Women Composers!,” was held in the Horace C. Cabe Great Hall Regional Arts Center. The concert was a semiformal event with about 30 people in attendance. The pianist who performed that night was Dr. Linda Holzer, who is a professor of music at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and she performed on a baby grand piano. She is from Chicago and has many degrees in piano performance from three different University’s, the Northwestern University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Florida State University. Dr. Holzer has performed in many different countries including China, Slovakia, Australia, and New York. The pieces that Dr. Holzer performed that night
Nowadays, teenagers are living constantly surrounded by technology. Even if the younger generation may not see it, technology has had an impact on different factors. The widespread use of digital technology in the music industry has allowed consumers to reproduce digital versions of copyrighted songs inexpensively, with the help of many software and websites. There has been an increase in digital copying activities and those are most of the time claimed responsible for producers’ loss in revenues. While some people claim that the increase of digital technology has killed the music industry, in fact it has lead to innovation and new ways of consuming and sharing music, such as
The so called “music” of today is absolutely horrid! It’s all filled with sex, drugs, violence, and politics. It’s rotting our children’s brains and society along with it. There are things in todays’ music that would make my grandmother cry.