The Road To Fixing Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration is a big problem in the United States of America, and it is beginning to grow into a larger one. In 2014, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in America (“5 Facts about Illegal Immigration in the U.S.”), compared to the population of 318.9 million people in the entire country (Dinan). These immigrants currently take up only 3.5 percent of the nation’s population. The rate of illegal immigration is only rising, according to the Pew Research Center (“5 Facts about Illegal Immigration in the U.S”). The main cause of this is immigrants secretly entering over the border, without getting caught by agents (“5 Facts about Illegal Immigration in the U.S.”). This is because …show more content…
According to a reporter from, some people believe that immigrants are not trying to cause harm (“Continuing Strengthen Border Security”). They just want to live in the United States, which they hope will be a much better place than where they used to live. Also, some immigrants do not realize they are entering illegally. They think they are just moving on to a new country, with a better life. The Washington Times state that children are a large population of unauthorized immigrants (Dinan). Children get brought to America with their parents being illegal immigrants, and do not figure it out until they are older (Dinan). They do not mean to illegally enter the United States, and they do not want to cause harm (Dinan). Although many illegal immigrants aren’t trying to cause problems, they are (“How Does Illegal Immigration Hurt The Economy”). They are taking our jobs, they are making our wages lower, and they don’t pay their taxes (“How Does Illegal Immigration Hurt The Economy”). The unemployment rate is 5.0 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ("Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject”). There is also a possibility the illegal immigrants could be terrorists or a criminals. Unauthorized immigrants have a likely possibility of putting the safety of our country at
Unauthorized immigrants in the United States of American border control has being a big problem and concern with regards to national security. There are a lot of people from various countries that want to migrate into United States for so many individual reasons known to them. The United States is a country known for countless jobs which other nations don’t have. A great number of immigrants, however, want to move away from their government reason because the government doesn’t treat them right just the way they want to be treated. For that reason, they move to the United States because they want
There are many solutions that the United States can do to slow down or maybe stop the illegal immigration. They can resolve these problems by providing a pathway for the undocumented immigrants to earn the citizenship because there is more than “66% of undocumented immigrant adults have been in the U.S. for over a decade”without paying taxes (Merino 1). According to the article Introduction To Immigration In The U.S. Today by Noel Merino, it shows that if the U.S. government gave those undocumented immigrants a way to earn the citizenship, they will start to pay the taxes that they didn’t pay because they were illegal immigrants, which will “increase state and local tax contribution by an estimated $2.2 billion a year”(Griswald 1). In the article, How to Fix Illegal Immigration? Earned Citizenship, Griswald, D explains how providing undocumented immigrants citizenships will help the economy of the U.S. to grow up, also that will help those
Immigration is broadly considered a matter of national interest. During the early years of the United States of America, immigrants were embraced and provided them with a pathway to citizenship as they came in search of personal advancement (Martin, n.d.). Today, the US is home to over 40 million immigrants who represents one-fifth of the US population. As the US develops, immigration reform restricts immigrants resulting in an influx of unauthorized immigrants. According to Bailik & Lopez (2017), 11million or 3.4% of the immigrant population is unauthorized. Subsequently, there have been numerous debates highlighting economic, security and humanitarian concerns as these unauthorized immigrants, including children, continues to
Implementing stringent security controls along the borders is likely to reduce the influx of illegal immigration into the United States. With the increased border security, the American government could have helped alleviate the occurrence of the 9/11 bombing. Though this strategy is essential in alleviating the influx of illegal immigrants to certain geographic areas, increased border controls in these locations have made other, less controlled areas of the border more vulnerable. Rising crime rates, discarded debris, increased apprehension rates, and growing public scrutiny in these less secure areas provide clear evidence that border security is at once a social, an economic, and a national security issue.
Nevertheless, it is not only imperative to outline that between 2009 and 2014 the number of illegal immigrants decreased in Kansas, Georgia, Alabama, Illinois, South Carolina, California as well as Nevada, but also vital to note that these reductions are alleged to the reduced number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants. As opposed to the small number (41 percent) of immigrants who had lived in America for more than ten years in the US by 2005, the figure had risen significantly to a wobbling 66 percent by 2014. Nevertheless, those who have lived in the country illegally for less than five years are declining in number steadily, having been estimated at barely 14 percent in 2014 (Krogstad and Passel 17). While the illegal immigrants could be considered as both credible and dependable because of the benefits they bring to the US, on the contrary, it is critical to comprehend the unintended consequences that translate into tangible problems like increased competition for the limited unskilled job opportunities, increased pressure on the economy by using free social services including healthcare, social security, and education as well as the growing crime rate perpetuated by unauthorized citizens in the
At present, the U.S. immigration system is burdened both by policy and implementation challenges. It is barely able to meet the commitments required by law and policy and is ill-prepared to address new challenges and mandates. Agreement that the system is broken may be the only point of consensus among many diverse stakeholders. The Task Force believes that immigration laws and policies are broken in four ways:
Illegal immigrants are invading our nation and having children. Influencing our political elections and drive up the American taxes; taxpayers are forced to spend hundreds of billions as of a result of illegal immigrants coming to
Common belief indicates that legalizing illegal immigrants would just result in “criminals” running around the streets causing disturbances. What is ignored it’s the benefit to a very specific population of Americans, the sons and daughters of illegal immigrants. American children are harmed
Border patrol/immigration has become a huge topic in not only the United States government, but also to the everyday people. Not only has immigration and border security become a main issue in the last presidential election in 2016 it has also become a main topic for the safety of the citizens of the United States Of America. This is becoming a huge problem because currently there are “10 million illegal immigrants in the United States and this number is growing by 700,000 each year.” (Pearce, 1) Why are these numbers so high? It is because we do not have the right amount of security at our borders in America “On one hand, the presence of so many aliens is a powerful testament to the attractiveness of America. On the other hand, it is a sign of how dangerously open our borders are.” (Johnson, 1) as American citizens, we should be fighting for a
As more unauthorized immigrants take the opportunity to pursue in jobs, the unemployment rate within the legal population rises as they struggle to support their family. Similarly, crime rates have heightened within cities across the United States, thus causing people to feel anxious about their safety. These problems have done just the opposite of decrease throughout the years, and it is time that everyone took notice. Understanding what needs to be fixed in the general illegal immigration system is not easy, but with the right mindset it will allow for economic stability and overall safety for the people in our
There is an assessed 11 million illegal aliens that are living United States, and this population is projected to upturn by 500,000 yearly. Once a year, about 1 million people that are considered to be aliens are detained when they make the attempt to come in the United States unlawfully. Even though most of these foreigners arrive the United States for financial chances and family reunification, or they are avoiding civil trouble and political unrest, some are offenders, and some could possibly be terrorists. Every one of them is disrupting the United States' immigration laws. With that said, this paper will involve the case study of immigration enforcement and the circumstances around the issue.
The United States of America has always been a refuge where poor and oppressed people from the far corners of the world can come to begin a new life. Much of the nation’s allure to prospective immigrants is in its promise of equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, or color. But the pressures of rising unemployment rates, congested cities, a crippled healthcare system, and national debt skyrocketing out of control have caused America to defend her borders against the influx of immigrants that threaten her already ailing economy. Still, despite all the heightened security measures incorporated in recent decades, a steady stream of immigrants continue to enter the country illegally. The Washington Times reports that there are
The Unites States is founded on immigrants from every part of the world. According to the Migration Policy Institute, the United States attracts the largest number of immigrants in the world (MPI, Webpage). In 2013, the United States has approximately 41.3 million of immigrants, accounting for 13 percent of the overall population (Betalova, 2015). However, not all of the immigrants here in the United States does the right thing, a lot of them come to the country illegally and for a variety of reasons this is a bad thing. These immigrants have come into the country numerous ways and continue to cause controversy. People can all agree that immigration is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. However, before addressing this issue, people need to learn more about this situation.
Illegal immigration was an issue in the past and is a pressing problem in the present. The U.S. Government has been trying to find a resolution to this issue for years. The United States approved the Immigration Reform and Control Act in 1986, which allowed the American Government to punish American companies that consciously employed illegal immigrants (Nadadur 1037-1052). The United States’ Government Immigration Reform and Control Act has been unsuccessful in controlling illegal immigration. It is estimated that illegal immigration into the U.S. has a yearly interval of three hundred fifty thousand people (Rousmaniere 24-25). It is apparent that the 1986 act was not able to keep a handle on illegal immigration. Illegal immigration
Throughout the history of the United States immigration has become apart of our country’s fabric which, began centuries ago. Only to become a hot topic in the US in recent years with its primary focus being illegal immigrants. Illegal immigration is when people enter a country without government permission. As of 2008 the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the US which is down from 2007‘s 12.5 million people. Although the Center for Immigration Studies estimates are very different from other estimates that range from 7 to 20 million. While the Pew Hispanic Center estimated in March of 2009 there are 11.1 million illegal immigrants and that number is from March 2007’s peak of 12