
Summary: The Role Of Censorship In School By Dr. Petress

Decent Essays

Writing #1
The Role of Censorship in School Public education has been and continues to be a magnet for various forms of censorship. In his article “The Role of Censorship in School” published in the Journal of Instructional Psychology, Sept. 2005. Dr. Ken Petress provides examples of these, discusses the results, and argues the reasons do not justify censorship. Going further he addresses what is lost when this happens. As a member of the faculty of the University of Maine and the author of several peer reviewed articles, Dr. Petress, a respected scholar, incorporates the fact that these disagreements have been taking place for years and still important questions remain. With information from the “National Center for Educational Statistics.” (2001). State Compulsory School Attendance Laws. Washington, DC: Department of Education he offers a glimpse of the policies and laws to provide some background. Additionally, he presents opposing views thoughtfully, fair, and matter of factly. Together, these things develop a strong ethos by revealing that he has carefully considered what those involved may need to help them better understand this complicated topic. …show more content…

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