
Summary: The United States Tax System

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The United States tax system is a vastly complicated, with almost six thousand pages and a little over three million words, the federal tax code can impede anyone trying to comprehend it. With annual changes and jurisdictional complications, even with some understanding of the federal tax code, its complexity grows. American’s spend enormous amounts of time filling out and filing taxes every year but, many citizens have no idea what their taxes are actually contributing to. Is the current tax system benefitting the United States economy and if not, in what ways are the system failing and how can it be improved?
Taxes play a big role in the economy and are a key factor when trying to encourage and promote economic growth. Taxation provides a way to reallocate economic resources to individuals with special needs or low incomes. In the United States, there are several different types of taxes but the main two are federal and state. The federal government cannot tamper with state taxation in any way. Every state has a tax system completely …show more content…

is a progressive tax system. A progressive tax system takes a bigger share of income from high-income citizens than from low-income citizens. On the cover, this sounds like a good system but, it actually hurts the saver. If a family earns $40,000 a year, for example, they get taxed once on their wages and salaries before they even receive the paycheck. If that family decides to save the paycheck, whatever is left over is taxed again on the dividends and interest they earned on the savings. This double taxation discourages investment and saving, in the end, it makes it harder for families to save for certain milestones in their life, such as retiring or saving for their child’s education. The current double taxation of income and savings makes it more expensive for a business to attain the financial resources needed for new technologies and equipment which, increases capital in the long

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