
Summary: The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

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The district I decided to analyze was Marysville Joint Unified School District. I have had the pleasure to teach in this district for almost a year now. As a physical education teacher, it is important to understand the health habits of my students. If students are not taking care of their bodies the chances of them living a long time diminishes. After analyzing the survey, I noticed that in this district there are major signs of drug and alcohol use. Over their lifetime 43% of 11th graders have used alcohol and 34 % have used marijuana. 29% of the 11th graders have drunk alcohol 4 or more times and 23% have used marijuana 4 or more times. This made me why these percentages are so high at such an early age. I wanted to see parent involvement …show more content…

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults. The survey is given to HS students in public and private schools nationwide. Take a look at the data from one of the 6 health risk behavior categories. Share what you learned. After reviewing the data about inadequate physical activity from the survey, I noticed that students are losing the lack of motivation to be physically active. Nationwide, 48.6% of all students had been physically active doing any kind of physical activity that increased their heart rate and made them breath hard some of the time for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on 5 or more days during the 7 days before the survey. Nationwide, students are more focusing on playing with technology rather than going to the park and playing. It is one of the major reasons why the majority of the nation is not physically active for 5 or more days. One suggestion would be to implement physical activity games. For example, Wii has designed games where anyone can participate in physical activity games like dancing and tennis. This is a great way to help motivate students to become more physically active because they are so use to playing on a game console that they would not realize that its actually bettering their overall

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