
Summary: Thinking As A Nurse

Decent Essays

I understand to think as a nurse requires an instinct or what can be described as almost like a sixth sense. This instinct is something that comes naturally after a lot of practice and education. Often experience and knowledge are treated as oppositions. However, in nursing practice it is readily acknowledged that knowledge fuels experience and practice fuels the thirst for knowledge and these two forces working together lead to professional advancement. Thinking as a Nurse by Bruce Austin Scott has been developed from thirty-seven years of direct patient care experience and twenty-five years of teaching nursing. (Scott, 2009) The author identifies the primary role of nurses is to identify and solve patient problems. He paints a clear, straightforward …show more content…

The book smartly captures the critical features that define nursing practice, and it advocates a quality of care that patients deserve and appreciate. Thinking as a Nurse looks at influences of clinical problem solving such as empathy, patient communication, pathophysiology, interrelationships, teamwork, and setting priorities. Scott characterizes nursing as an acquirement of knowledge, professionalism and having a sense of responsibility in order to serve as a nurse. The nurse is tasked to have a lot of knowledge and understanding in order to be able to identify and solve problems that patients have. (Scott, 2009) Being professional requires dedication and sacrifice to forego pleasure to help patients, even when the patient does not appreciate it and being responsible in one’s actions and holding yourself accountable. Scott’s characterization of nursing is based upon a lot of experience and observation, but there is not much here besides common …show more content…

I see it amongst my classmates; there is no connection drawn to the vitality between nursing theory and what is practiced in the hospital. For whatever reason, theory and practice are seen as separate entities that do not have a strong and purposeful link. (Scott, 2009) There has to be an admiration of the connection between theories in class with the practical work at the hospital, they both go together at all times. I also understand that in order to provide safe and quality health care one requires technical expertise, the ability to think critically, as well as experience in order to provide clinical judgment. (Scott, 2009) The high performance expectation of nurses is dependent upon continued learning, actively participating in independent and interdependent decision-making, and the use of creative problem-solving abilities. I also agree that the individual has to have right behaviors, which encourage the development of maximum

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