Utilizing the Nurse Millennials, people age 18-34, are visiting the doctor less and less every year. In the Elizabeth Whitman’s article she says, “Half of millennials surveyed by ZocDoc, an online appointment website, in June said they visited a doctor less than once a year, with 93 percent saying they did not schedule preventative visits to the doctor” (Whitman). These numbers seem very similar to William Jewell’s campus. Most students do not go visit the nurse practitioner here on campus. Whether the reason is not enough time, students are unsure of the nurses hours, or they feel put down when they go see her, students do not go. Not visiting the doctor and/or nurse practitioner seems to be a trend that is catching fire.
Many people
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There are many things that go into creating a video of this nature. These include deciding what type of emotional appeal to use, what type of message will be used, and how to frame the message are major steps in creating a video. The emotional appeal that I decided to go with was a humor appeal. Previously we had to do a little research and survey students about our topic in regards to emotional appeals. My research showed that students were more receptive to humor appeals, in respect to my topic, rather than fear; guilt; or anger appeals. Because of this previous research I knew that my video should be more of a humor appeal than anything else. This is because humor appeals tend to work better when creating a message that is geared to disease prevention rather than disease detection. My video urges students to go to the nurse when they are feeling ill. Also, this topic is not seen as serious or heavy of a topic, so a fear, guilt, or anger appeal would not be effective in getting my message …show more content…
In the Coleman and Major article individual responsibility frame is defined as,” a Utilitarian philosophy that says responsible people avoid risk” (Coleman p. 94). This means that responsible people will take care of their health and make the right choice about visiting the nurse. When framing the messages for my video I had to make sure that the frame had the following four functions: I had to define a problem, diagnose possible causes, make ethical judgements, and suggest a new course of action. Defining the problems in my video is that life is less colorful when people are sick. Possible causes may be that people are not taking necessary precautions to avoid the risk of becoming sick. The making ethical judgments function was represented when I decided that individual responsibility was an ethical choice for the video. A new course of action is for people to visit the nurse when they are feeling ill. The video focused heavily on the individual and what they can do to lower their risk of getting
Burkhardt, M. & Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics & issues: In contemporary nursing, (3rd ed.) Clifton Park, NJ: Delmar
A discussion regarding the health care reform or even health care in general can be somewhat controversial. The definition of health is drastically different depending on whom you speak to. Many would define health as " a person's absence of disease, others would describe good health based on the status of mind, body & social well-being" (GCU Lecture, module 2, 2012). According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, health is defined as "The overall condition of an organism at a given time". An individual's overall health affects the nation, this is where stakeholders come into value. According to Keele, Buckner & Bushnell a stakeholder is either an individual or an organization that either invest time and
In journal number two we were asked to focus and reflect on chapters five through eight. These chapters enlighten and help guide you to becoming a successful nurse. They help enlighten us by learning new information and thinking with new thought processes which will lead us to becoming great nurses. The chapters have also helped guiding my daily thoughts and actions by living with and though the Lord. These chapters have a lot of good content that help us as individuals to improve the lives of ourselves and the many around us.
Does the Big Nurse, despite Chief’s perception of her, have the patients’ best interests and well being in mind? Why or why not?
Historically, a BSR was given verbally at the nursing station with frequent interruptions, taped on the recorder or a written paper report without the patient being involved in their care. As the healthcare industry has become more of a patient-centered, the hospitals are participating in a publicly reported government HCAHPS survey- a composite scale score that measure patient’s hospital experience through a metric satisfaction survey. An effective handoff is critical when transferring any medical information of a patient’s continuity of care from one nurse to another. According to the Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality: “all health professionals should be educated to deliver patient-centered care as members of an inter-disciplinary team, emphasizing evidence-based practice, quality improvement approaches, and informatics.” (IOM, 2013). This paper analyzes an overview of nurse’s survey, direct observation on the BSR, a literature summary, nursing challenges and recommendations that might improve patient safety and quality of care.
he Board of Nursing in Alabama requires a Nurse Practitioner to hold an active Alabama registered nurse (RN) license. Additionally, the Board requires the practitioner to meet all the requirements of graduation of a program of study beyond the minimal educational preparation of a RN. The candidate should also attain clinical experience beyond that required of a RN. These requirements prepare the nurse practitioner to perform the duties of this title. The additional education and clinical experience must be completed in an organization that is recognized by the Board of Nursing.
This article talks about how nursing was in the making and how it was basically created/ formed. It provides a list of people, events, and places where nursing was mostly used and how they used it. It also talks about how nursing saved half of the population back during World War II.
IntroductionThis article touches up on many main points in Nurse Assisting. Authors talk about manynew ways to implement change in Long Term Care Originations. They talk about teamwork,training, and enhancing work strategies. I definitely agreed with this article, with wanting to be aCNA and depending on where I end up working I think it is good that people are wanting tomake these changes.DevelopmentSome key points in this article were how integrating new recruits to manage heavyworkloads in LTCOs can be hard to manage, the enhancements of informal work strategies, andthe debate on if teamwork is a “deterrent to change” or a “lever for change”. Somethings I foundstriking about this article was the heavy load management. In the article one nurse assistantexplained that during training they are told to take all the time the need, but when you startworking in the organization they are told they have 45 minutes with a resident, but actually haveno more than 15 minutes.
When I arrive to the Trauma ICU 4800 unit, all of the nurses were already being followed by other students. The nurse in charge had me follow several different nurses, so I was able to observed several different patient cases. The first patient had received a triple bypass open-heart surgery. The patient had received a creatinine blood test. The patient had a dialysis machine next to them, which was used to function as the kidneys since the patient’s kidneys were not functioning correctly. Also, the patient’s body temperature was lowered from having a taken cool liquids so the nurses were keeping him warm with a bair hugger, which was a machine that helped regulate the patient's’ body temperatures.
To provide a positive impact on the lives of patients (Fuchs, 2014) based on the care that was rendered to them, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented an incentive program in the year of 2011 and provided bonuses to eligible providers (EP) that displayed a meaningful aspect by way of technology, by using electronic health records (EHR). The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the Meaningful Use program and an analysis of the implications for nurses. Also, in this paper additional recommendations for Meaningful Use will be discussed.
With the ever-growing metropolitan area of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the increasing number of people aging into the geriatric community, hospitals and ground ambulance services are being used more than ever. This means that safe and effective care is needed more now than ever before, and therefore we need more services such as Life Link III. This air ambulance service can bring people from outside the metro area to a healthcare facility with ease and excellence. Their safety standards are through the roof, and they’re able to provide their services to different parts of country, flying patients from Minnesota to various specialty centers in the country so that they can receive the best care possible. This paper will discuss how the nurse can provide safe and effective care while also promoting the quickest healing time possible.
Lily was a 65 year old lady with stage 5 CKD, she had recently begun hemodialysis treatment three times a week as an inpatient and had been responding well to treatment. During dialysis treatment on the morning of the first day, Lily’s observations showed that she was: tachycardic, hypotensive, tachypnoeaic, had an oxygen saturation level of 88% and was becoming confused and drowsy. It became apparent that Lily had become hypovolaemic. The hypovolaemic shock seen in this patient was of a particular critical nature due to the fact that her dialysis treatment had moved her rapidly through the first two stages of shock with her compensatory mechanisms failing very quickly (Tait, 2012). It was also much harder to identify the early signs of
I have scheduled an interview and time to observe a nurse leader with the Director of Nursing (DON) for the Virginian Nursing and Rehab facility in Fairfax, Virginia for Thursday October 2, 2014 at 7:30am. I plan on spending a full eight-hour shift with the nurse leader observing the following three leadership activities: 1) Observing her making rounds on the units 2) Observing and or participating in a nursing leadership meeting and 3) Observing the facility’s interdisciplinary team meeting.
In literature from the 2013 eighth edition of Fundamentals of Nursing, the authors express the importance of maintaining the patient’s level of comfort (Potter, Perry, Stockert, Hall, p. 1108). They suggest lubricating the nares often with ongoing care to reduce irritation. Dehydration is a risk for patients who have a nasogastric tube. To reduce the risk of dehydration, the Fundamentals of Nursing states mouth care at least every two hours should be completed. Adena’s current policy differs, with oral care directed at least every four hours. Another method stated to provide comfort includes, turning the patient at regular intervals to reduce abdominal distention (often patients swallow volumes of air) and aid in gastric emptying. The existing
There are many factors that contribute to a competent nurse. These factors are called Core Nursing Competencies. They are Patient-Centered Care, Professionalism, Leadership, Communication, Teamwork and Collaboration, Safety, Quality Improvement, and Evidence-Based Practice. These core competencies are not listed in order of importance as each piece plays a vital role in creating an excellent, competent medical-surgical nurse.