Yesterday, Tuesday July 21, 2015; there was a verbal altercation between Janayah Chambers and Gabrielle Lucas. The mentors and mentees were in a circle. We had to state how are we going to do different to better us and succeed. When it was Janayah Chambers’s turn, she had a negative attitude and said “I just want to go home so…” When it was Gabrielle Lucas’s she said her part in which she wanted to change herself and stop being quick to answer and changeing her attitude then Janayah took it indirect. Me (Kerolos Rophail), Ivette Cruz, and Richard Pastrana stopped the altercation before it turned physical. Me and Ivette went to Gabrielle Lucas’s and we talked and claimed her down, while Richard went to Janayah Chambers to talk to her. This
"He and LaLa were screaming at each other in the terminal. It looked like a classic drunken fight between friends...I'm pretty sure it was LaLa telling James to get it together before getting on the plan."
MSTT met with Jamiles to assess how the school is going. Jamiles expressed to MSTT things at school are going well and that she has not been assaulted by her sister. Last week, Jamiles sister stated she going to assault her due to an incident which happened during their visit with Bio dad. Jamiles stated she spoke to her CYS caseworker about switching schools because she attends school with the fear of her sister coming up behind her and hitting her. CYS caseworker reaches out to MSTT and MSTT explained to the caseworker Jamiles concerns seem valid. CYS worker explained to MSTT she will start the process of looking into changing Jamiles school because of her safety. MSTT will follow up with CYS worker with the process of changing Jamiles school.
In the article “In Defense of Prejudice: Why Incendiary Speech Must Be Protected” Jonathan Rauch says that regardless of the amount of times people try, its almost impossible to stop prejudice. Rauch believes that everyone has the right to express themselves freely, whether their opinion maybe good or bad people still have the right to express themselves. Where there’s freedom of expression, there will also be negative racial comments. In this article Rauch talks about how schools banned prejudice and how they prevented it, prejudice can’t be eradicated because it exist within our minds, and how banning prejudice is impossible and idiotic. Rauch says, “Indeed, "eradicating prejudice" is so vague a proposition as to be meaningless.”
I got into a verbal altercation with Jamarkus last night so I stayed at a friend’s residence.
On 07/10/16, there was a fight between Ricky and the victim after Ricky threatened to take the child’s SS check to buy him new clothes. The reporter stated Ricky pulled out a gun to show the child that he had one, but it was not fired or pointed at the child. According to the reporter, the fight took place before Ms. Parson returned home. After Ms. Parson found out about the fight, she took Ricky’s side, told the child he should respect Ricky, and slapped Demontae. Ms. Nicholson stated Demontae finally left the home and went to stay with a friend; the child called his grandmother and she came to pick him up. The reporter stated Demontae is with his grandmother at this time. The reporter stated this is not the first fight between Demontae and
I am nearly in disbelief writing with another complaint regarding Tavon Anthony. This has to be at the very least my third time communicating relative to this young man. At this point we feel the only possible solution is to have a meeting between the parents and school staff. While I appreciate the fact finding efforts that have been exhausted to resolve the matter, the incidents have not ceased. When I question Ayanna with regard to the incident I do so comprehensively; using my more than 10 years in law enforcement and more than 10 years as an investigator with Washington, DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA). As a result Ayanna informed me, the very first time I wrote a letter that she was never playing the punch game. Either
While Jean’s comments upset some individuals in the group, it initiated open and honest responses from the rest of the group. Even though Jean was the primary driver of the conflict during this session, I was particularly interested in Art’s feedback and experience during the video. His personal self-disclosure and involvement within the group conflict hit on the key points of this discussion post: personal awareness and successful resolution
The above named resident was spoken to as it relates to her grievance filed reporting that Mr. Guilbeaux (Post-D Youth Supervisor) stated to her that she “is always talking, shut up and do your work”. Additionally, the youth expressed that in the past Mr. Guilbeaux has directed curse words at her (e.g. telling youth to “shut the fuck up”) and “put her down” verbally.
Fighting has been a part of hockey ever since it was invented and has played a big role in the game. It is the only non-fighting professional sport that allows fighting to happen. Players are assessed a five minute penalty when they engage in a fight, but are not fined or suspended. Fighting in hockey is a hot topic right now, and just about everyone associated with the game has an opinion on it. Usually when a player fights, he does it to protect a teammate. Two time Olympic champion Jarome Iginla said, “There is a purpose behind almost every fight. I have fought -- and my teammates have, too -- to stick up for myself or to stand up for a teammate who had been the victim of dirty play (Iginla).” With the
Because of police brutality, communities won’t trust the police anymore. The society needs to find a solution to police brutality. Police officers should have the goal of building trust and forming a relationship with communities and citizens especially with African Americans. I think that an effective solution like psychological evaluation would help monitor cops who shows signs of mental disturbance that might conflict with their work. Additionally, when the police are writing their report paper about an incident that happened, the police should try not to cover up the incident but rather write what really happened. Another effective solution is that, the police officer should be able to make good decision. For example the police should
What is excessive force? Excessive force is when the force exceeds the required amount to deescalate a situation or to safeguard themselves or others from any hurt, harm or danger from an individual. United States constitutional rights are to be free from excessive force found under reasonable search and seizure conditions in the Fourth Amendment and cruel and unusual punishment in the Eighth Amendment.
Malik and Andrew got into a verbal altercation. Staff attempted to redirect both students and suggesting to them to go to their room, both students refused. Malik began to punch Andrew, and the students were engaged into a physical altercation exchanging punches. Additional staff was called and the students were separated and Andrew was able to walk to his room. Nursing was able to come to the unit and complete an assessment; there were no injuries to
An element that I found in the poem “They” that resonated with me was that the war changed them completely. It brought changes physically and mentally. No one came back the same and many people changed for the worse. I can just image the effect of seeing death so close every day but it is different to actually live through it. The poem states “When the boys come back, They will not be the same; for they’ll have fought” (Greenblatt 2023) Those lines make me think of how much we overreact to the small things when in reality people are giving up their lives to fight for my good-being.
The use of force has been controversial topic lately in the US. I think having a set policy on the use of force in each state or country wide might give police officers a clearer definition of when to use excessive force. Each district has different rules. Some officer moves to different cities and states which cause them to change districts. If each department have different explanation, then it might cause confusion with the officer.
There are millions and millions of African Americans leaders to choose from. Such as Martin Luther King to Rosa to Harriet Tubman. They are all great but I going to take a different route I want to shine the light on the everyday heros the get up and work a job to provide for their families. I want to shine the light on people who have went to bed on the empty stomach so there children can eat and be health. I want to shine the light that will go the extra mile. How about those people? The people that help the heroes get their name in the history book. I want to shine the light on my father Donnell Jones.