
Summary: Verbal Altercation

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Yesterday, Tuesday July 21, 2015; there was a verbal altercation between Janayah Chambers and Gabrielle Lucas. The mentors and mentees were in a circle. We had to state how are we going to do different to better us and succeed. When it was Janayah Chambers’s turn, she had a negative attitude and said “I just want to go home so…” When it was Gabrielle Lucas’s she said her part in which she wanted to change herself and stop being quick to answer and changeing her attitude then Janayah took it indirect. Me (Kerolos Rophail), Ivette Cruz, and Richard Pastrana stopped the altercation before it turned physical. Me and Ivette went to Gabrielle Lucas’s and we talked and claimed her down, while Richard went to Janayah Chambers to talk to her. This

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