In author Kieran Lim’s article “Summer Is A Good Time For Informal Education” he quotes, “Informal education refers to all learning outside the formal and non-formal educational system, and it is often associated with life-long learning as it can include reading non-fiction books and scholarly articles, viewing documentaries and other informal professional development” (38). Non-college students can have the same beneficial learning process as a college student would by just reading. Reading is the foundation of all learning. It allows a person to understand and comprehend certain words that can be accompanied with thoughts and ideas. Since reading is known as the interpretation of words, many people can use these words to study and learn more
Many people go to college to get a degree so they can get a job, while others go to get an education in their desired courses such as the liberal arts. Those who go to college to get a job are focusing on a “career education” while those going to college to educate themselves in the liberal arts are investing in the ability to understand “the complex influences that shape the world we live in” (227). Knowledge in the liberal arts allows you to be able to read, visualize, and demonstrate a deeper understanding of how and why things happen and how
More people than ever before are attending college due to the endless opportunities that it provides. Louis Menand, a college professor and the author of “Live and Learn: Why We Have College,” explains the meaning of college through three theories that have been developed. Theory 1 supports the idea of the sorting-out process that separates the highly intelligent from the less intelligent. Menand’s second theory explains that college provides opportunities for developmental growth, personal growth, and teaches individuals about the world around us. These are valuable lessons that will not be learned anywhere else. Theory three supports the idea of people attending college to specialize in a specific vocation. I
Informal learning is the things that we learn in our day to day life. They don’t necessarily have to be taught (formal learning) but we do learn them. We do this by figuring things out by ourselves. (Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. K)
Consider the following situation: A car is driving past the local elementary school on a hot and sunny July afternoon. As the car approached the school the driver notices some unusual things. Students are outside with the teachers for recess, and it looks as if school is in session. The school is on a year-round schedule. The driver is intrigued and decides to do some research. From the research, this person found that students are achieving more academically and the teachers are well rested.
Mary Flannery, a senior writer for the National Education Association, shows in her article that, “about 40 percent of young Americans (ages 34 and under) had attained “tertiary,” or higher education, in 2009. And if that figure sounds familiar, it’s because it hasn’t changed in decades.” With the rapid rates of European and Asian countries,
As the world of work becomes more complex, many workers need training to avoid losing their jobs or being passed over for promotion. Consequently, many who would not have considered college 20 or even 15 years ago are finding themselves back in school. As adults become students, employers, colleges, and workers are changing old notions about how to go about pursuing higher learning.
As an English major and third year college student, I have already been introduced to several different topics that have broadened the intellectual side of me. Philosophy has introduced me to Descartes, that has made me question who am I, and do I really exist? Economics has made me predict trends and the future of our economy. Music courses have shown me the thought process behind the creative process, genius, and history behind songs, genres, and artists. Reading has made me think about how society affects the individual in books such as Fight Club or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. My experiences so far have made me use my intellect far more than when I began college. Each subject has stretched my mind a little bit more and has taught me to think just a little differently each time. In all, my education, not only in college, but back to high school as well, has made me a better and stronger intellectual.
Vivian Le Ms.Rose English 3P, Per.2 14 May 2015 College Is Worth It High school graduates attend college for many different reasons whether for career development or increasing one’s knowledge. Students who do graduate from college with a degree have increased job opportunities and financial advantages. However, more and more graduates are rethinking going to college because they are not “college material” or don’t have enough money to pay for their tuition. Although many people believe that college is not necessary to be successful in the future, in actuality attending college is critical because obtaining a college degree allows students to gain more knowledge and advantages for their future.
"Education is life--not a mere preparation for an unknown kind of future living…The whole of life is learning; therefore, education can have no ending. This new venture is called adult education--not because it is confined to adults but because adulthood, maturity defines its limits." (Lindeman, E.1926p.6)
Postman finds ways that god's (narratives like myths) contributes to education. He mentions that “Public education does not serve a public. It creates a public. And in creating the right kind of public, the schools contribute toward strengthening the spiritual basis of the American Creed. The right answer depends on two things, and two things alone: the existence of shared narratives and the capacity of such narratives to provide an inspired reason for schooling,,.” “At its best, schooling can be about how to make a life, which is quite different from how to make a living.” I choose these quotes because it refers to the modern education which arise a problem that most students do not have a motivating reason to be enthusiastic in their education. However the speaker’s has negative opinion of the existing education system moreover it fails to involve and prepare young people for the challenges of the real world.
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non-formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school-like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play,
In today's society it seems almost essential to have a degree. Almost ninety percent of all jobs require at least a bachelor degree from their applicants. However, this could be a massive impediment to students who were not given the right of a good education. Therefore, this limits the potential of students and diminishes their success. A formal education would not only benefit the student, but help benefit the students future
Most people believe that, learning is done only through formal education and that this process stops once they graduate but this is not true. According to Delors’ (1996) four ‘pillars’ of education for the future, lifelong learning can be defined as one which is done throughout a person’s lifetime. It is adjustable, diverse and attainable all through the various stages of human life. This points out that, learning is not done through formal means only and cannot be avoided as one progresses through life’s various stages (from infancy till death).
I have read a lot of material in college and very few of them were interesting. I have learned a lot of old things in new light in history and some material taught me to ignore different people. Now, that may not have been the purpose of
Higher education is optional, but to enter a respectable career, one must continue their education in order to achieve his financial and/or personal goals. Teenagers who attend college use their extended schooling to further obtain knowledge. The primary objective of higher education is to enhance one’s abilities for his future. A student can learn from school in numerous ways, but liberal education is not a way to attract students into further and higher education. However, students can learn a lot more through experiences that have affected their personal lives. I agree with author Mike Rose’s theory that education needs are reached to obtain a higher academic level by teaching students information that can be related to their personal