
Summon Night 5 Analysis

Decent Essays

Summon Night 5 is a strategy JRPG and part visual novel. At the start of the game you can pick to play as one of two characters, Arca or Folth. I played mostly as Folth in this review but I did try out Arca to see if the story changed but it seemed to stay the same besides the characters gender. Very early in the game you will be saved by a Cross or in other terms the character that will become your summon. The Cross you get depends on what item you give it as a reward for saving you early on in the game. I got a mechanical cross named Dyth.

The story plays out visual novel style so be papered to read a lot, luckily the story here is well written. After meeting his or her cross the players character will go off to become a summoner of the Eucross. The Eucross is an order who keep peace among the different types of entity's from different dimensions who all live in the mostly peaceful city of Savorle. To advance the story along the player will travel a big map going to each area that is gold to talk to certain characters. After doing this you will come to an event where you will end up in a fight. Always save before a event or you may very well lose hours of play. My only problem with the story wasn't with the story its self but there are a few typos her and there.

The battles are turn based meaning you get to move all of your characters and use actions and then end your turn and your enemies will do the same. At the start of each battle you will be able to select what units you want to use and then you will start the battle. There's a bit to theses battles as in if you lose …show more content…

These affinity levels will have an outcome on what ending you may get and some of the dialog may also change. What character you play as and what cross you get may also change the ending you will

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