
Sun Also Rises

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What would you do if one single event made you question everything? If that one event had the capability to take away everything you loved and completely reshaped life as you knew it? When that one event is over, what does that mean for you? 17 million people perished as a result of World War 1, but in reality, that number is much bigger if you count all of the ghosts that it left behind. The Lost Generation is the given title to all of the people who reached maturity throughout the first World War. The Sun Also Rises, written by Ernest Hemingway in 1926, takes place right after the war, and all of the characters are a part of the “Lost Generation”. Jake Barnes, the main protagonist of the story, is ___. It is easy to see that plot of The …show more content…

The way that Jake opens up about his love, or rather lust, Brett, relates exactly to how Hemingway felt about Lady Duff Twysden. She

Also in the story, it goes into great detail regarding Lady Brett Ashley, who represented Lady Duff Twysden. Hemingway wrote in the novel that Jake was in fact impotent due to a wound from the war. Taken literally, Ernest was not impotent in real life (he fathered three children). However if his impotence was taken metaphorically, it could very well represent all of the reasons that Duff and he could never be together.
Ernest Hemingway was very passionate about the bullfights, which was reflected in The Sun Also Rises. Jake, who we all know represented Ernest, loved the bullfights very much. His love was expressed in great detail Another theme of The Sun Also Rises is the traveling. All of the places that the group ventured to were places that Ernest had been to or lived in. The detailed descriptions of the locations could only have come from someone who had truly experienced the lifestyle of them. Repeating what was said earlier, the bullfighting in Pamplona was a main focus in this story. Hemingway lived in Pamplona for a while and visited often. He was very familiar with the culture of the

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