
Sun Tzu : A Legacy Leader

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Sun Tzu: A Legacy Leader
It has been debated that the legendary Chinese tactician, Sun Tzu did not actually exist. Manuscripts partially preserved for over 2000 years are incomplete, and often contain discrepancies. Due to carbon dating, historians conjecture that Sun Tzu’s 13 Chapter text “The Art of War” is an encyclopedic compilation of early strategic techniques that have remained relevant regardless of time, population, or political and military strategy. Irrespective of Sun Tzu’s existence, it is widely accepted that “The Art of War” teachings remain relevant to modern military tacticians and governmental policy makers. Sun Tzu’s tactical legacy can be seen in the United States Department of Defense, where it’s a required addition in …show more content…

Many Soldiers consider the military to be an average job, similar to an office employee and not a defined profession. A tenant of the Army NCO Corps is professionalism. A profession can be likened to a trade that incorporates apprentices and journeymen. The United States Army defines a profession as an essential service to society (HQDA, 2013, p.1-1). Professions require large investments of time and education on the part of the organization and Soldier.
NCOs are at constant odds with Soldiers who fail to live the Army as a profession. Many Soldiers are motivated by monetary, educational, or experiential gain. They do not prioritize organizational policy or doctrine. As a leader, Sun Tzu’s first fundamental factor reflects the Army’s doctrinal belief that effective leadership relies on “mutual trust and shared understanding and purpose” (HQDA, 2013, p. 2-2). Having organizational harmony undoubtedly encourages unit and team cohesion and builds trust. This resulting trust instills confidence in a Soldier’s perceived purpose and increases their morale. Sun Tzu’s factor of Moral Influence resonates with me as a leader because he defined the benefits of what some Army leaders call “embracing the suck”. A military team’s strength and morale may compound exponentially after an obstacle is confronted and successfully overcome. It falls on myself and other Army leaders to not shy away from difficult obstacles, lest our unit’s effectiveness

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