
Sunni History Essay

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Sunni History
During the early periods of Islam and after the death of Muhammad, the controversy of choosing the next successor paved the way to the separation of Islam. There are two different perspectives between the two groups. Sunni Muslims dominated majority of the Middle East with their interpretations of “rightfully guided” successors. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632, many of his important followers became caliphs to lead the Umma. The Umma is defined as the Muslim community and as leader of the community, it was the most important title a man could have held during the early Middle Eastern development. Its beginning come from the Sunnis acceptance of the rightful chosen successor to be the Prophet’s close friend, Abu Bakr …show more content…

During the birth of Islam, Muhammad started to gain many followers. His followers accompanied Muhammad on the Hijra in the year 622. The Hijra was the migration of Muhammad and his followers to Yatrib; now known as Medina. During Muhammad’s time in Medina, it was the beginning to strategically set himself up for a jihad against the pagan Meccans. It was important to spread Islam across the Middle East and diminish the pagan practices in the holiest city of Islam. Some of his followers are recognized to take Islamic expansion in the Middle East for decades, spreading Islam as far into the western hemisphere of the world, and keeping the Umma together. “For the Sunnis, the new caliph had to be a male, a member of the Quraysh tribe (Muhammad’s tribe), and possess the ability to keep the Muslim community united in the face of numerous existential internal and external threats (Moore, 2015)”. Amongst Muhammad’s followers were Abu Bakr, Umar (634-644), Uthman (644-656), and Ali (656-661) in which were known as the Rashidun Caliphs: defined as the righteous caliphs. This acknowledgement divides Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims due to Sunnis claiming the four caliphs as the legitimate successors of the

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