
Super Bowl Commercials: Commercial Analysis

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Some people say the best part about the super bowl is the commercials, here are some compared to each other. The first commercial is called the 'Honda Yearbook'. In this commercial, it shows old pictures of celebrities as young adults. They all tell you something to do that is related to chasing your dreams. For example, Jimmy Kimmel says, "If you want to play the clarinet, maybe don't dress like this, but play the clarinet." In the picture, Jimmy was in his band uniform from high school holding a clarinet. Tina Fey started making fun of a red rose that she was holding in her picture. The people who created this commercial were trying to persuade you to chase your dreams by having celebrities as the main characters to catch someone's attention. …show more content…

In this commercial, the main character tells you about the 'secret society' for avocados. It tells you that avocados are good for you. The people who created this commercial were trying to tell you that avocados are good for you and that you should eat more of them. They had to go against all of the fruits and vegetables commercials to make one that would still tell you that they are healthy. In the commercial, it says that "A secret means that there is a secret society." This is telling you that there is a secret about avocados, they are

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