My personal reading book is Super fudge by Judy Blume, it's a fiction book also it can
be a Fantasy too.Personally, I like to read fiction books, because I like to imagine things. Judy Blume was born in February 12, 1938. She is an American writer known for children and young adult, also her books are all fiction. She spent her childhood in Elizabeth, New Jersey, making up stories inside her head. Her twenty-four books have won more than ninety awards, none more important than those coming from younger readers.
Super fudge was wrote in United Stated 1980. This book is talking about a family, there are father, mother, Peter, Fudge and Tootsie. Peter is the oldest brother in the family and Fudge is the second old brother in the family and the last Tamara is the youngest baby. The second old boy Fudge always thinks that e is the superhero and he know every. Peter thinks that Fudge is nothing but he is a big pain. Dealing with Fudge is hard annoying but their parents have decided to move their house from New York to Princeton for the entire year. Even worse Peter's mother is going to give birth to a baby. Peter hate babies
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Fudge is extremely jealous of his new baby sister Tamara, who earns the nickname "Tootsie" from her mother's cute-speak and Grandma's favorite old song. Few days after the family moved to there Princeton called Alex. He is very short and small than other that who is their age. One day, Alex came to peter's house ask for doing business together with peter. And that business was digging the warms from the grounder ground. They need to sell those warms to a woman called Mrs. Muldour. People thought that the reason why she buys warm from anybody is because she need warms to grow the trees or for something that is very important. But Alex and Peter thought that she eat warm, she will make warm jam for the bread, warm ice-cream, warm juice, warm rice and so
“And we are back! Bottom of the seventh out here in Chesterfield. The score is 7-6, Crushers are winning and the Stix are at their last at bat. It’s about as hot as a chili pepper in August.
Janie falls in love with the Everglades, everything there is new and strange. Tea Cake finds them a room, and he decides that he will pick beans during the day and at night, he will play guitar and roll dice. Once the season begins they live a comfortable life picking beans. Tea Cake teaches Janie how to shoot a gun, and she eventually becomes a better shot than him. Once the season starts, poor workers start to move in to town, and soon all the houses are taken, those who could not get houses sleep in the fields at night. The bars soon come to life and all night there is loud music spilling out of them. Tea Cake and Janie’s house becomes the center of the Everglades; people hang out at their house and listen to Tea Cake play his music. In the beginning of the season, Janie mainly stays home and cooks meals for Tea Cake, but he soon starts to gets lonely working in the field alone all day. He begins to leave work early so he can see her, Janie decides that it would be best if she would join him in their field picking beans that they can be together all day everyday. Janie wonders what the people of Eatonville would say if they
Carl Deuker wrote the book, Gym Candy. Although as little as I read, he is my favorite author of all time. I really enjoyed reading this book for a few reasons. For one, I could relate to what Mick, the main character, was experiencing. Throughout Gym Candy, it got my attention by how intense the story would become. I also enjoyed how well Carl Deuker explained certain aspects of the story with great emotion. By reading Gym Candy, I have learned a few life lessons, and this book has made an impact on how I view future occasions.
Teenie, Tidbit, and Hushpuppy add color and flavor to life on the plantation. Teenie is a tiny middle-aged black woman who works as the master’s chief and main housekeeper (she oversees most of what is going on inside the house). Tidbit is Teenie’s son who has a dog named Hushpuppy. The trio keeps busy on the plantation doing their daily chores. They do not forget their ancestors and keep strong by remembering their past. Tidbit is still a little child and has fun while doing his tasks.
After reading 80 pages of, “Skud,” by Dennis Foon, I felt motivated by the actions and determination shown by the main characters of the story, especially Andy. In the book, all the characters had a goal or objective and worked hard to reach that goal. Although most people would not advise someone to center their life around one certain thing, I think that when one finds a purpose or objective in life they should always do their best to reach this goal regardless of what others say or thinks of it. In the book, Andy dream was to become a popular actor.Although the possibility of getting cast is low and although he was hurt and unwell, Andy still went to the audition because of that small possibility. After reading about this, I felt determined and motivated by actions like this.
Have you ever been on your own in your early life? It's hard to take care of yourself at an early age, therefore you either get tough or die. All the Right Stuff by Walter Dean Myers gives the perfect example of this. Paul, a kid that has been practically taking care of himself, has been through a lot of good and bad throughout his life so far. Paul has been working at a soup kitchen for a while now, as well as helping a girl named Keisha pursue her dream in basketball. Paul is a pretty open minded person besides the fact that he doesn’t like to listen to Elijah's life tips. Elijah is the owner of the soup kitchen, and helps out Paul with whatever he needs. A lot of the characters show that they put other before themselves in many situations during the book.
Longing for her husband’s forgiveness, Missy May promises to obey and fulfill his every desire henceforth. After silent days and nights, Missy May decides to rid Joe of her presence, believing that to be his wish. Reluctantly, she stays to prove her determination and love for her husband. The conception of their first child really sparks the match in Joe’s head that Missy May never meant to do him wrong; after many months of neglect, Joe traveled down to Orlando for errands and took a detour to his favorite candy store. With Otis Slemmons’ gilded coin, Joe spent “all dat in kisses.” While there, he though of his “lil boy chile [at] home now. Tain't a week old yet, but he kin suck a sugar tit and maybe eat one them [molasses] kisses hisself" (p. 11).
Now if you have pre teens or teenagers. The diary of the wimpy kid By: Jeff Kinney is a great series for the more experienced young reader. As well as The Percy Jackson series By: Rick Riordon. I personally have read these books as well. They are very entertaining and fun to
He wins her heart with his energy, and willingness to make Janie his equal. Tea Cake is the only husband that actually takes a genuine interest in Janie. He takes her hunting, fishing, and plays checkers with her. She especially enjoys playing chess, the fact that he considers her intelligent enough to learn such a game shows that he thinks more of Janie than Logan or Joe ever did. The town disapproves of Janie and Tea Cake because he is poor and younger than her. They have the impression that he is just after her money. Janie and Tea Cake leave the town of Eatonville and travel to a town called Jacksonville where Tea Cake has work. The sense of gender equality is very important to Janie in a relationship. Tea Cake asks Janie to work alongside him in the Everglades fields. Logan and Joe both wanted her to work, but she resented it. The difference is that Logan wanted Janie to do hard labor because he thought of her as an object like a workhorse. Joe wanted Janie to work in the store, which she also disliked because Joe just wanted to publicly display her as his trophy wife. Tea Cake’s attitude about Janie working is completely different. He gives her the choice of working and doesn’t command her. Janie goes to work the next day, “So the very next morning Janie got ready to pick beans along with Tea Cake. There was a suppressed murmur when she picked up a basket and went to work. She was already getting to be a special case on the muck. It was generally assumed that she thought herself too good to work like the rest of the women and that Tea Cake "pomped her up tuh dat." But all day long the romping and playing they carried on behind the boss’s back made her popular right away.”(133) This is the first relationship that Janie doesn’t care to work. She actually likes working alongside Tea Cake. As time passes the town gets word of a hurricane coming. All the people start fleeing to different places, but the boss
Biography of author: Jane Austen was born in 1775 in England where she lived for the first 25 years of her life. She began to write while as a teen and finished Pride and Prejudice in 1796. The manuscript was first rejected and it wasn’t until 1809 that Austen made revision to it. During her life however, only her immediate family knew that she was an authoress. She never married and published six novels before her death.
Harriet Beecher Stowe a famous author was born on June 14th 1811 and died in 1896. But her legacy still remains here today. She was born in Connecticut a free state in her time period. She was the 6th of 11 children. Her mom Roxana Beecher died when she was only 5 years old. Her sister Catherine became a very important maternal figure to Harriet.Her dad was a minster
A book I clearly remember is the book I read in 6th grade. I saved up my lunch money to buy it from the book fair. There was a lot of book I could not choose but my teacher helped me picked one. The book was torn on the edges. It had an off-white cover with faded writing. I remember it smelling like my pumpkin spice candle I had in my room. I also remember the book being small and easy to carry. I loved the size of it because I could take it anywhere to read. There were times where I would stay in the classroom instead of going out to play with my classmates. I still have the book but now its dusty and covered in highlighter and writing.
After Tea Cake ignores all the preemptive warnings of the approaching Hurricane Okeechobee, Janie gets trapped in a flood in the Everglades with a rabid dog. Witnessing this event, Tea Cake risks his life and jumps into the water to save Janie from this beast. Afterwards, Janie tells Tea Cake, “Once upon uh time, Ah never 'spected nothin', Tea Cake, but bein' dead from standin' still and tryin' tuh laugh. But you come 'long and made somethin' outa me. So Ah'm thankful fuh anything we come through together.” (Hurston 167). Janie’s quote demonstrates her gratitude to Tea Cake, who was the only person to truly treat Janie as an equal. By following Nanny’s ideals, Janie lived most of her life neglected in various ways by both Logan and Joe. However, when she finally abandoned Nanny’s dream and met her own needs by marrying Tea Cake, she experienced happiness for the first time. The life of security with little emotional fulfillment deeply contrasts with Janie’s new life with Tea Cake. Finally, she is able to experience true love instead of living as a mule under Joe and Logan, both of whom tried to shape Janie to fit their own personal needs instead of treating her as an equal . Although Nanny wanted to secure Janie’s life by marrying her off to a respected, landowning man, this resulted in unintended consequences that restricted her freedom and harmed her well being. Unlike
Maggie feels terribly unloved in her marriage with Brick. Because of her unfulfilling marriage with Brick, she seeks affection and attention with someone close to Brick. In addition, when Mae interrupts Maggie and Brick from conversing by talking about her own children and how adorable they are, Maggie says, “why did y’give dawgs names to all your kiddies... sounds like four dogs and a parrot”(29). Maggie has a grudge Mae because she has many children with Gooper. Maggie feels insecure about having children, so she mocks Mae and her offspring to reassure herself and make her self feel better. Margaret has a dreadful relationship with Brick and also with Mae and her kids.
As a child, my interests were more focused on reading than writing. In elementary school I fell in love with books. Initially I read simple children’s books, much like everybody else in my class, but it did not take long for my passion to drive me to read more difficult writings. Fiction books quickly became a replacement for any childhood toys. Instead of blocks or stuffed animals I would ask my parents for books. Since they were aimed at young readers, they tended to be short. I found myself going through them within days, and then soon several hours. Towards the end of elementary school I was reading series like Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. I was captivated, and reading truly opened up a whole new world for me.