
Superstition In Wieland

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What novel is both gothic, and confusing at times that deals with religion, superstition, and the supernatural? Wieland, of course. It has a few different themes spread across the entirety of the 298 page novel. Wieland was published in the late 18th century and was set in the American colonies. As it was written a while ago, not many novels at this time where this 'big’. It also deals with many different things, even though it is labeled as a gothic novel. Jam packed full of important things, Wieland is a gothic novel about religion, superstition, and the supernatural.
Wieland is a classic gothic novel. This novel displays the gothic novel characteristics. Includes many supernatural scenes. Involves the descent into madness. The novel is …show more content…

It is crucial for the book, without it it would not be the same. The death of her father. It is why Wieland and Pleyel get along. Religion is crucial. He died because he sinned, if he didn't he wouldn't have died and the story would be different. Because of their different views on religion and religious thinking they often had long intellectual talk of religion. Without it it would be extremely boring.
Superstition is a big theme of the novel. It is important. Clara and Wieland believe in superstition. Appears when the voices do. Is as important as religion is. They follow how superstitious their father was before he died. They think they are just being superstitious when they believe they voices. Proves just how big and important stupertition is.
The supernatural is a recurring theme throughout the novel. Occurs everywhere from the start to end of the novel. Her dad died from something seemingly supernatural. Voices appear from nowhere. Reoccurring theme. Spontaneous combustion at that time wasn't understood. Until Carson confesses it isn't confirmed where the voices come from, where did the voice that talked to her dad come from? It comes and plays a role in everything that

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