
Supervolcano Facts

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Claim: Yes, Yellowstone is a safe place to visit and live because there is no eruption of the supervolcano happening anytime soon.Yellowstone is mostly in Wyoming and parts of Montana and Idaho. More than 3.8 million people have been visiting the since 2011. Which shattered the record in 2010 of 3.6 million people. If the park wasn’t safe then not a lot of people would be visiting the park. Evidence: According to the article, by Elaina Zachos in February 8th there was an large earthquake of 2.9 magnitude.Also in February there has been 200 and all of them have been 5 miles under the surface. “Supervolcano” and “earthquake swarms” seem like daunting terms but in Yellowstone they are non threatening.Earthquake swarms can be a result of stress

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