
Supply Chain Uncertainty : A Review And Theoretical Foundation For Future Research

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Text 1 Reference:
Simangunsong, E., Hendry, L. & Stevenson, M., 2012 Supply-Chain Uncertainty: A Review and Theoretical Foundation for Future Research, International Journal Of Production Research 50 (16) pp. 4493-4523 Available through EBSCO Database at: [Accessed 21 January 2015]

The resource is a peer-reviewed article of the International Journal of production research which was published in August 2012. Its relevancy for my research is explained by the fact that it is not a monograph and the authors are professors and senior lecturer of the Department of Management Science of Lancaster University Management School. As such, the …show more content…

The second strategy is coping with uncertainty especially adapting and minimising the impact of uncertainty on the demand. The purpose of this strategy is based on the flexibility approach of the supply chain. It also has a double effect on the supply chain by reducing uncertainty and a much better sharing information than the first strategy. The final one, researching gaps is built around developing contingency-based study of supply chain uncertainty which includes the management strategies’ threat and their impact on sources of uncertainties in order to verify their efficacy.
The research concludes that in addition of the strategies mentioned, key management strategies such as Lean management (strategies which consist to reduce or eliminate waste), supply chain information integration, agility and risk mitigation (effective strategy to manage risk) have to be taken into consideration for an efficient resolution of the supply chain uncertainties problems. However, further research need to be done to prove the origins of supply chain uncertainties by investigating the impacts of factors such as decision and information technology complexities.

[Word count of SUMMARY ONLY = 362 ]

Text 2 Reference:

Shutao, D., Xin Xu, S. & Xiaoguo Zhu, K., 2009 Information

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