when I was a high school student I had help with time management from my supportive study class when I got to college I thought would be able to do things on my own it was hard for me switching from assistant to being on my own for the first time own I look back at the classes I choose for my first semester I wish I had chosen classes that would have ease me into college because it was hard for me to get to college life right away when I signed up for my second semester classes I step back and take a look at what I was doing as well as I hope during the second semester I dropped the class due to the fact that I was not doing well I believe that if I drop a class I could focus on another my grades were very good at the end but one was still
For example in college how all-nighters will take place,and become sort of a routine. This course also taught me that if you procrastinate, then it will get you nowhere. So in my mind i have set a new type of rule against the procrastination since i have done it so many times. Obviously when we had started learning the first day i had wished that this class would be actually better than the ones before. Because before the classes as i have stated we would not learn a lot,and our grades would be affected by this situation. Also not to mention my favorite class for a long time was english until last year when we were not taught as well. That is why when I had taken this course, I was praying that I would actually finally learn something for a chance. Finally when we had started the class i was thankful that finally I had gotten in a class that would be fun and challenging. It might seem to many in our class that this class is hard. Obviously the class is going to be hard,but i feel as if you put your mind to anything you can get it done. So that is why when I took this class ,i knew there would be time where i would be tired and not want to do anything.But for when everything was written and stated to us in class. I was sure that we will have the will power and the proper instructions on how to write our papers and the stuff we have to do in the
My first year of college I was devastated because I didn’t pass my math class due to procrastination. Not because the class
As a college freshman, I have a fear not being prepared for the level of classes, realizing that everyone is smart and pretty much on the same level. The pressure to maintain good grades is at times overwhelming but it helps to incorporate good organization and time management skills. Luckily my first semester schedule was one that worked and gave me an opportunity to adjust to college life. High school was so structured and time consuming with the day packed from early morning to late afternoon, with few downtime windows. For me, having extra
I recently found a list of goals that I had written 20 years ago. Most of the goals were realistic and I was able to achieve them. While I was checking the items off my list that I accomplished, there was one that I have debated about for many years—returning to school to earn a degree. Returning to school has always been achievable; however, as each year of my life sped by and I got older, I always came up with more and more excuses as to why I should not return to school. One day I received a course catalog in the mail showing online classes at the college. I decide that an online class would be the first step to my future. I am so grateful for the first day of that class. All the excuses and delays regarding returning to school
Learning is the single most important aspect of any school education. Being able to retain the content and apply the information is much more important than simply memorizing facts. Earlier this year, I had initially started to take a certain class that would not benefit me in the future, and instead create an abundance amount of stress for me, as I had no interest in taking that course and was merely taking it to fit the norms of other students. Soon after, I realized that taking a different class that actually interested me would be more beneficial, and thus I would be able to focus on my other courses of high levels. This switch genuinely allows me to develop a much higher level of commitment for my other classes and help me retain the information for future purposes.
The experience that I would like to share is when I was a previous student here at CCU. I was taking classes online and was finally figuring out how to balance work, family life, and school. I was having a difficult time a few weeks with my work schedule and completing my assignments. I had a disagreement with my instructor on the late policy and ultimately decided to quit my studies here at CCU. I transferred my credits to Grand Canyon University and started online classes there. Once I was well into my studies I quickly realized that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side. I began having a hard time turning in assignments late. I prayed to our heavenly father about what to do in my life. I was offered a new position at work that would
My parents support me emotionally but they would never be able to do what that students mother just did I personally did not even know in college they used websites such as canvas and coursework. So I began behind I had to read 2 chapters in only two days for many a chapter took and hour on to it took me 6 hours to read 1 chapter and that was not enough for me to understand the chapter completely I watched Youtube videos from a online Psychology teacher that covered lectures on the chapter the lectures went for at least to hours. I put a lot of effort but I never gave up I struggled like you won't imagined but I made it true in my first assignment I got the lowest score in the whole class shameful I know, but I made progress I went from the lowest score to higher than the median to a perfect score. My experience in stanford was full of surprises it was not a piece of cake many believe that I am so smart and so on but that's not the
Growing up in poverty meant always being in a pinch for money. This led me to my decision of seeking a job within the first month of my freshman year in high school. Thankfully, this decision led me to the precious self-taught skill of time management. I was able to build my skills until my sophomore year. I tried to take on more shifts at work than I could handle, in aspiration of saving up for a car, and consequently my grades began to slip. I acquired my first C in my favorite class: Chemistry. Being an aspiring student in the medical field, and a student who prides themselves on their grades, I was devastated. As a result, I soon reached the epiphany that one has to have priorities in life; I chose mine to be education. I discussed with my boss my situation and she gave me a set schedule of a doable 4 days a week. This allowed me to do my homework and studying in advance. This also permitted me to get enough sleep,
I admit, I had a very challenging time last semester, and as a result my grades suffered. I don’t mean to make excuses for my poor performance in school but I would like to explain my circumstance. During my second semester of college I treated my classes like I did in high school thinking I could coast by and pass my classes, but when I noticed how poorly I was doing in class everything was already headed downhill. I started the second
However, junior year of high school changed that: I was given the opportunity to take either AP Psychology, or AP European History. I felt that the obvious choice would be to take AP European History, since I’m European and therefore already had a solid foundation for succeeding in the class, but something inside me told me to take a blind leap of faith and choose AP Psychology instead. This choice proved to be one of the greatest decisions I have made in my life. Through this class, I emerged myself into the world of psychology and fell in love with it. I didn’t complete the assignments to get a good grade. I completed them because I cherished every minute of it, and I started applying the materials learned in class to real life
I believe the hardships I have in college are because I'm either lazy or they're too many distractions when I'm doing my work or studying. For example I get too lazy to study so then I for myself and believing I know the content when I really don't know. Leading me into when it's time to take the test I believe I’m going to get a better grade than I actually do. Also the distractions in my work or study place play a big role in the hardships I face in school. For example when I'm doing my homework I have my phone and my computer next to me. This causes me to take a break from the work and check my phone or play music on the computer. I hope these weaknesses don't affect me in college although I'm starting to work towards changing them. Should I early start and traditional math program and the assignments I have to do at home I have look for a quieter and a free distraction place. Also if I don't know the content I research it and tried even though I don't know
My first day on the campus at Wayne State University i was slightly nervous and excited. When , i was walking around campus with my mother trying find my classes. I had one little problem, it was hard read the schedule because it unlike my high school schedule. I was scared that i didn't know how to read it i was going be late on first day of class. As me and mom search for nearby officer to ask where to go to find classes and told us it was located in the student hall. Me and mom went student hall section and i noticed that classes are number by section that on my schedule. So i was early i left back out to wait class to begin. Then ten minutes later i went into my macroeconomics 2020
In junior High School, things started to turn around for me. Although I was still placed in lower level classes, I developed a love for learning. In the years to come from Junior High to High School, I had a strong urge to make up for lost time. One class I started to excel in was the one I used to have the most trouble with, Mathematics. It seemed as though the once boring and complex equations now seemed meaningful and simple. As I progressed into 8th grade, I was able to advance to normal classes. I felt that the hard work I put in was finally paying of. At this point, I felt that I could handle a higher level. At the end of 8th grade, I took the necessary procedures and tests to try and get into honor - level courses in 9th grade. After taking a summer course of Algebra 1 and several tests I was able to succeed and take the classes. The experience was great. I felt that I was finally going the right direction
I can remember missing 8:05 classes because I stayed out too late the night before. In high school the teacher would constantly remind the students when certain assignments were due, but this was not the case in college. I learned that the hard way my first semester. Sometimes I forgot to turn in an assignment because I didn’t properly read my syllabus and my professor never mentioned it. These were all new problems that could have easily let escalate without taking the proper actions. For the most part I was doing fairly well but a few of my grades began to plummet. I was losing the confidence in myself and started to wonder if going to college had been the best decision. The time had come for me to grow up and become an adult even I didn’t feel the time was right. I immediately began attending tutoring sessions, working with peers and also keeping a daily to-do list. These factors were the eventually led to drastic improvement and success. After my first semester I learned how better manage my time, take advantage of campus resources and also how to organize myself better. These struggles also taught me that sometimes I try and rush through things instead of taking my time. I realized that one of my strong points is being able to really do well when my back is against the wall. Although I was unhappy while facing obstacles I am happy I experienced them. I believe this experience was the reason for my
In college life, students face many pressures. One of my biggest stressors was keeping my student scholarship. After coming in to college with a 3.3 grade point average, I knew that keeping a 3.0 in college, for my scholarship, was going to be a challenge that I had not yet experienced. This caused me to work even harder and sometimes even too hard. The scholarship played a large factor in choosing Baldwin Wallace as my school of choice, so retaining my reward is of the utmost importance to both me personally, and my parents financially. As I began classes I realized that the work load seemed a lot larger than high school, and sometimes as if it were never going to end. I soon realized how to balance my time between school work and making grades, as well as meeting new people and having fun. There are many enjoyable things that make college the great experience it has been so far, so finding an equilibrium of hard work and good times has been one the best new attributes I have