
Supreme Court Case Analysis

Decent Essays

Well first of all, the supreme court is the highest judicial court in a country or state. "The highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation" ( The supreme courts job is simply the final judge. In all cases involving laws of congress, or the constitution, the supreme court gets to make the final judgement. However, it is not all-powerful. The power of the supreme court is limited by two other branches of government. ( Now how do people get a job as a justice of the supreme court? Well the president gets to appoint each justice. How do the justices decide to hear a case or not? Not just any case can be heard by the supreme court so what makes the cases the supreme court does hear special? The cases that the supreme court hears are ones that deal with issues with the federal law. or if they fall within the limits of the federal government the supreme court might decide to hear them. If a case only has to do with county or state laws than this case will most likely stay within the states jurisdiction, or the states court system. The supreme court is the very last step to most cases.

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