In the past, emotions were believed to be disruptive and organizations worked to make emotion-free environments. This is an interesting concept to me because since I have been working, I can prove that emotions drive performance. Depending on the particular person, whether someone is in a good or a bad mood, it can motivate him or her to perform better in the workplace. People have had emotions their entire life and it is something that cannot be separated from them.
There are many factors that affect emotions that we discussed in class, such as, weather, social activities, sleep, and exercise. In class, you mentioned how weather has an illusory correlation and it has no real impact on how people feel. I found this particularly interesting
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Surface acting is hiding one’s feelings and trying to display another. Deep acting is trying to modify how one is feeling in order to adjust to the workplace. Both surface and deep acting are difficult to do especially if you are feeling a particular way. As a receptionist, it is my job to always have a positive attitude when answering the phone calls and greeting customers and visitors. When I am not in a great mood and worried about something else going on in my life, this causes emotional dissonance and causes me to feel fatigued and stressed out. Depending on certain jobs, people need to be able to separate their emotions from what is actually occurring. For example, if an oncologist is losing a patient, they have to have the ability and not show remorse for that patient. If a doctor is seen in front of a patient crying or upset, it is seen as unprofessional and can actually lead the patient to feeling more distressed. Since emotions cannot be separated from a person, they should not be altered or should be hidden either. Depending on the situation, a certain feeling may not be able to drive performance, and may in fact weaken the person’s motivation to do what they are supposed to do at their job. In this case, emotions are disruptive, and if someone is going to be disruptive at work and let their emotions get the best of them, then they should learn to better
Surface Acting involves controlling the outward expression of emotions rather than controlling feelings (Wood, 2010). I believe that surface acting would better align Bryce’s emotions and behavior with the needs of his job search because it would allow him not show his discouragement even if he is disappointed he is not getting the jobs that he is applying for. Deep Acting involves learning what you should and should not feel and requires changing how we perceive and label events and phenomena (Wood, 2010). Bryce could use deep acting to control how he feels when a job isn’t offered to him. He can teach his self that that maybe that particular job wasn’t for him and that may be better ones out there if he continues to search.
Emotions are a necessary part of our whole humanity. They may be more than we have learned to be comfortable with, but they are not too much.
Ashkanasy, N. M., Zerbe, W. J., & Härtel, C. E. (2002). Managing emotions in the workplace. ME Sharpe. Retrieved March 21, 2017 from,+C.+E.+J.+Hartel,+and+W.+J.+Zerbe+(eds.),+Emotions+in+the+Workplace:+Research+Theory+and+Practice+(&ots=S-KCim_1_h&sig=4JpsB9u67hD6nObcHRAD_F5t2hE&redir_esc=y#v=onePage&q=N.%20M.%20Ashkanasy%2C%20C.%20E.%20J.%20Hartel%2C%20and%20W.%20J.%20Zerbe%20(eds.)%2C%20Emotions%20in%20the%20Workplace%3A%20Research%20Theory%20and%20Practice%20(&f=false
Emotions can undermine our ability to think clearly. Emotion could be an obstacle to knowledge even if it is considered to be a way of knowing. Strong emotions could tempt us to find reasons to justify our beliefs even if it is wrong. Emotions could allow people to unconsciously make fast decisions as it blurs our reasoning
Deep acting is the emotion that is felt internally shows externally. An example is Mrs. Bay is so excited for her birthday party. She is overwhelmed with joy and happiness that people near and far has come to celebrate her birthday. She starts to cry with joy and is so thankful to all that came to celebrate her birthday. Surface acting is when an individual puts on an emotion external for a situation, but they do not feel that way internal. An example is
Surface acting is faking the emotions through outward expressions whilst the internal feelings are the same whereas deep acting is the process where the employee aligns their internal feelings to that of the organisation (Mastracci, Guy, & Newman, 2012). Although both require different thought processes, the objective is the same, to align the outward expression to that of the company’s
Emotions can affect your mood if something dramatic happens which can lead to stress and
To many, acting is a difficult and arduous journey of self-development. An actor not only has to control voice but also body posture, facial expression and also memorize their lines. However one of the hardest steps in the journey of becoming a skilled actor is developing the ability to convey emotion. So for those of you finding that sad scene a little difficult or the scene where you are meant to be terrified but everyone else thinks you look constipated, here is a short guide to get you started. The actor must think of acting much like an artist or an author, in the sense he needs to develop the right mentality before he starts.
The question that arises when someone ask," How does our emotions impact our motivation?" A human being emotions impact everything we do, whether it 's making our bed or just affecting our health. Motivation is a state or condition of being motivated or having a strong reason to act or accomplish something. When people have motivation it can be positive or negative. Before we can experience motivation our emotions plays an enormous role in the things we do. The word Emotions refers to the conscious in which the mind can produce feelings. For example joy, sadness, hate, fear and etc. is emotions that human beings encounter on a daily basis. When I did research on Emotion our emotions can be shown in our facial expressions or. Hand gestures too." Also, emotions is distinguished from “mood" based on the period of the time......hand gestures". (Sincero.2015.)Emotions and Motivation can be linked together and they have many things in common. They both rely on each other. But sometimes they rely on each too much can cause negative impact on society such murder, rape, suicide and many more.
Our emotions affect us in so many ways. Emotions affect the way we behave, our views and opinions, our relationships and our decision-making; therefore, they are very relevant to our day-to-day lives. It is important that people have an understanding of these emotions and that they are able to interpret them. Emotions can both help and hinder our ability to best live our lives. It is also important to realize that even our emotions are shaped and biased by our environment and those close to us.
emotional labor is often called being polite, it is a near universal part of every job and of life. Nevertheless, the level to which individual performances makes a meaningful difference. An individual can “deep act” in a manner that is still related with one’s core values and beliefs at work (“Yes, the customer is being patronizing, but I empathize with her and care about solving her problem”) or “surface act” (“I’ll be nice, but deep down I’m really spitting nails”). There are two distinguishing strategy for emotional labor: the deep acting and the surface acting. Surface acting is modifying the displayed emotion while the deep acting involves altering actual emotional state. Research show that engaging to emotional labor leads to poor health,
In contrast with the past workplace challenges and organizational behavior, there is a necessity to understand ourselves and others. Sometimes the stress and prestige can cause an adverse impact on one’s position in the workplace. The ability to deal with our emotions while working effectually with others and at the same time, performing the organization’s expectations are in high demand. Since the employees are an asset, and the organization is expecting a return on their investment, understanding how emotions work and how it impacts one’s capacity is indispensable in accomplishing organizational goals. In the workplace, people often have to work with each other. So the handling of relationships and interacting with others becomes the key to the success of the organization. Managers need to have a combination of skills and abilities such as the strength of will, awareness of self, empathy for others and sensitivity toward others internally and externally. Before one can handle others emotions he/she must first learn to lead themselves. So the question become, how is this done? Coleman’s theory suggest that this can be done through emotional intelligence which is the ability to create, build and maintain viable relationships (Coleman, 1998, p. 14). No one wants to follow the leadership of a person who cannot manage his/her emotions. Let’s look together at three business CEO’s personal backgrounds and use of emotional intelligence. The top chief emotions officers in the U.S.
Graduating from the Acting program courses is bittersweet and as it draws to a close there are a few things I want to reflect on regarding Acting in general as well as people who have made this experience worth every minute. This semester was a major growth spurt in terms of Acting, and I’ve worked to improve my confidence level and volume especially while working in “The Audition”. However, I still have some trouble really dropping myself into a moment or character without getting somewhat distracted or out of focus. I think in the long run this will get easier the more experience I have, and it mostly just requires more practice. I aim to keep in mind that an actor’s work is never done, and just like a person of any other profession, there’s always room for improvement.
In our everyday lives, we are constantly interacting with other individuals. These interactions have an effect on our emotions. We have to learn how to identify and deal with these emotions because they have a direct effect on how we deal with issues at work. Individuals can work their way through this process by becoming aware of the importance of emotional intelligence.
In the last decade of the 20th century, many researchers became involved in in-depth analyses of the causes and consequences of specific emotions and moods at work and several theories were proposed to explain emotions in the work place and one of these theories is the affective events theory. AET is a model developed by organisational psychologists, Weiss and Cropanzano in 1996 to explain how emotions and moods influence job performance and job satisfaction, Thompson and Phua (2012). The model explains the linkages between employees' internal influences (e.g., cognitions, emotions, mental states) and their reactions to incidents that occur in their work environment that affect their performance, organisational commitment and job satisfaction. The theory proposes that affective work behaviours are explained by employee mood and