
Surface Of Mercury Research Paper

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The surface of Mercury is very rocky, and has many pits and craters on it due to the large number of meteors that have collided with the surface over the years. According to all all observations that muggle spacecraft has made, the surface of Mercury is dead, with no signs of life or liquid water. This is largely due to its lack of atmosphere and extreme temperatures. Also due to the lack of atmosphere, Mercury has no weather or wind, and the surface has few distinguishing features such as riverbeds or dust storms. Much of the surface is similar to the surface of Earth's moon. Beneath the surface of mercury is a solid core, which is very rich in iron deposits. The core is large compared to the total size of the planet, the largest ratio of any planet or dwarf planet in our solar system.

Venus has a very dramatic climate, it's atmosphere contains many greenhouse gasses and is the hottest planet in our solar system, despite the fact that it is further from the sun than Mercury. The atmosphere of Venus is mostly …show more content…

The different tectonic plates rest on the mantle, a very hot layer of earth that is directly beneath the crust. There are seven major tectonic plates, their names are The Pacific Plate, The North American Plate, The Eurasian Plate, The African Plate, The Antarctic Plate, The Australian Plate, and The South American Plate. In addition to these major plates there are also many smaller tectonic plates that make up parts of the Earth's crust. When the boundaries between plates shift, this causes earthquakes. There are three types of movements that cause earthquakes. Divergent is when the plates move away from each other, Subduction is when one plate moves underneath another, and Transform is when the plates grind against each other. The lithosphere is another name for earth's crust and mantle, it is made up of all the tectonic

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