What do you need to survive? There could be thousands of different answers to this question, but not everybody would answer this the same way. I believe that to survive, you need not to have an insane survival skill set taught to you by some secretive agency; You do however need to posses a few major things. In the story Life of Pi by Yann Martel, a young man has what it takes to get to safety, but would you?
Determination. If you are wanting to survive, you have to be determined to. Survival is no easy feat and will not just be handed to you like anything else might have been. You have to be willing to do whatever is necessary to overcome the mountains of adversity that await you. Martel writes “Several times I had fits of fearful trembling. Precisely where I wanted to be most still—my legs—was where I trembled the most . . . it was all I could do to hold on. Each fit passed” (136). Pi had to persevere through these fits of fearfulness because he knew that if he were to let go of his will to live then he would suffer even more so.
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Faith will be a big part of Pi’syour survival. No matter what you believe in, you are going to be hoping and praying that you are watched over and protected. With faith even in the worst situations you will have something to turn to. Believing in your faith can keep you sane, which in any situation is a good thing. Martel writes from the now much older Pi’s perspective when he says, “I HAVE A STORY THAT WILL MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN GOD” (AUTHORS NOTE, VIII). This is important to my argument in which faith is going to be such a detrimental part of surviving because it shows that along his journey, Pi realized that God was guiding him on his way to
I think that determination is definitely a big part of survival. In the book Hatchet, Brian was determined when he was making the fire. It took him a long time to figure out how to do it and then it took him quite a while to get it started, but all the time, he kept going because he was so determined. He tried many different times in many different ways. Ernest Shackleton was a man who tried to sail to Antarctica in a ship with a crew, but got stuck in an iceberg. Also, in a video about Ernest Shackleton, he was obviously very
In order to survive, people have been known to go to great lengths to which people will go in order to ordinarily do. Survival to me means that to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. “The good lie” (the film), ZombieLand (the movie), and the movie Dorry, all three movies experience a difficult obstacle to face for survival.
To survive in a difficult situation, certain important characteristics are required, such as motivation, quick thinking, and following orders. To be a survivor during a tough situation, you must possess valuable traits. The first thing you need is motivation. In the story, “A Long Walk to Water,” Salva demonstrates motivation on page 4. 5, which says,” He ran until he could not run anymore. Then
Mental and physical strength are the most important factors to help increase your chances of survival because they can help you assess the situation, no matter how perilous, and be able to use your body to increase your chances of survival. In the text “Unbroken”
What does it take to be a survivor? Have you ever heard of Bear Grills? He is a man who was British special forces and was injured in a parachuting accadent. Now he is a world renoun survivor because he chose to get over his fear by climbing Mount Everast. Keep in mind he was once arrested for stripping butt naked and running home. Bearhas went through hell and back before breakfast. When surviving it is a more of a mental battle than it is physical. Anything is possible if you believe it in your mind and have the will to do it to prove to yourself that you still can. Like a man climbing Mount Everast with a broken back. Surviving isn't always surviving. When you are lost and up against the wall a part of yourself is lost never to be found
Surviving a rock fall, running from a whole country or abandoned on the mountains of Afghanistan. These are just some things that show a born survivor. But what takes a person to survive is bravery, intelligence, and confidence.
Ever since the beginning of time, there has always been a need to survive no matter the cost. We all have that survival instinct within us. Some however embrace it more than others. They take risks that ensure their life with them. Many stories have been passed down from generation to generation retelling the experiences of people who have gone to extreme lengths in order to survive, some of which, I have read and found quite interesting.
Whether it is surviving mentally, or physically, one must know it takes change in willpower to go out and fight for what they need. To know what one needs and to know how to get it, is what makes up a survivor. No matter the circumstances they can forget what they thought they knew to grow within their surroundings. Surviving is all about making use of their knowledge they take from their situation so they can thrive off of their circumstances, instead of failing and giving up. Resilience leads to survival because one who is willing to do things they have never done before, will save themselves in any situation because they went to different depths to save their life and maintain what they
Human nature is an uncertain concept which humans themselves have been grappling with since the beginning of their existence. In its definition, human nature envelops and describes the traits of humans as an entire species. The book Life of Pi by Yann Martel challenges previous conceptions about human nature. Martel instead introduces a human nature which is centered around selfishness, faith, and the will to live through significant animalistic metaphors. Selfishness is a trait which appears throughout the book.
After going through and reading “The story of Keesh” and “Life of Pi”, The essential question is “What inspires the will to survive in extreme enviroments”. To survive in an extreme enviroment you need food rashins, and fresh water, So the main character would need to use the rescources that are available. Main characters of the text must try to look for help like ships or anything that can guide you to safety. You also need to stay in high spirits and believe that you will be rescued. A few reason are you only have a limited amount of food and water. You need to have shelter to survive in warmth. We also need people to communicate with if your alone.They are both in a type of extreme enviroment. Pi is going through heavy rain storms. Then
The first universal strategy of survival in an emergency situation is to “[take] responsibility and [make] a plan” (Gonzales 173). In Life of Pi on the lifeboat where Pi was stranded, he found a survival manual and plenty of food hiding underneath the deck. For the first time since the incident, he had food to eat and was taken out of his delirious state and was able to think and see clearly. Then the next morning “[he] awoke to the reality of Richard Parker” and the fact that he was stuck with a “tiger in the lifeboat” (Martel 147). He then figured out that “[he] had a fierce will to live” and this was huge for Pi because it made him understand that he needed to get organized and make a plan another plan for them both to live (Martel 148). So he made a list of all the supplies that came in the survival kit. This allowed him to ration the food and know how much he has eaten and how much is left. Next he needed to figure out a way to be safe from Richard Parker, so he decided to build his own raft to stay on. He took oars, lifejackets, and buoyant ropes. This raft may not have been the sturdiest, but it gave Pi a sense of safety from Richard Parker and his unknown tendencies. This strategy is also used by Simpson in Touching the Void. On the way down from the top, Simpson falls and has his tibia smashed up into his femur shattering his patella. This changes everything because now Yates has to lower
What makes you human? Functioning organs and flowing blood would be a good answer but outside of that what actually makes you human? It’s the interactions that you make with others. It’s you not just surviving, but it’s you living. When it comes down to the end of the day and you think back you will realize that survival is not enough.
It is difficult to talk about the Life of Pi text without making a reference to faith, and the same goes with explaining Pi’s survival. Pi’s belief in pluralism and acceptance of the three religions, Hinduism, Christianity and Islam aid his future and is a crucial part of his survival at sea. His faith in knowing “so long as god is with me, I will not die” gives him the mental strength and will power to survive his ordeal. Even in the middle of the ocean, Pi practices all his religious rituals such as ‘‘solitary masses without consecrated Communion Hosts’’
Strength during a survival situation is the most important thing to stay alive. This gives an individual the willingness and drive to do what is necessary to survive. Pi’s mental strength is paramount to survive during this ordeal. Without maintaining mental strength Pi would lose his sanity and eventually die. “I Will Not Die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously” (Martel 148). A strong mental mindset using proactive thinking is key to keep morale high, and having the willingness to survive. The passage shows how Pi is very determined to survive no matter the odds. Mental strength can survive without physical strength, but human necessities will provide physical strength. Pi demonstrates physical strength through his last effort of
The saying “desperate times call for desperate measures” holds truth to an extent. In the award winning novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel, drastic measures are taken by characters in order to survive while stranded on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. Through his journey, main character, Pi Patel, endures many hardships and witnesses several deaths. Significantly, the death of the zebra accompanying Pi and the other animals establishes a generalization of human nature being sophisticated yet inherently vicious according to methods of survival.