
Survival In Life Of Pi, By Yann Martel

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What do you need to survive? There could be thousands of different answers to this question, but not everybody would answer this the same way. I believe that to survive, you need not to have an insane survival skill set taught to you by some secretive agency; You do however need to posses a few major things. In the story Life of Pi by Yann Martel, a young man has what it takes to get to safety, but would you?
Determination. If you are wanting to survive, you have to be determined to. Survival is no easy feat and will not just be handed to you like anything else might have been. You have to be willing to do whatever is necessary to overcome the mountains of adversity that await you. Martel writes “Several times I had fits of fearful trembling. Precisely where I wanted to be most still—my legs—was where I trembled the most . . . it was all I could do to hold on. Each fit passed” (136). Pi had to persevere through these fits of fearfulness because he knew that if he were to let go of his will to live then he would suffer even more so. …show more content…

Faith will be a big part of Pi’syour survival. No matter what you believe in, you are going to be hoping and praying that you are watched over and protected. With faith even in the worst situations you will have something to turn to. Believing in your faith can keep you sane, which in any situation is a good thing. Martel writes from the now much older Pi’s perspective when he says, “I HAVE A STORY THAT WILL MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN GOD” (AUTHORS NOTE, VIII). This is important to my argument in which faith is going to be such a detrimental part of surviving because it shows that along his journey, Pi realized that God was guiding him on his way to

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