Most people react differently in survival situations and will go to great lengths to survive them.Most of the time in a critical situation, the first thing that comes to mind is yourself and how you're going to survive it.An example would be like when thejews were in the camps in World War 2, they didn’t burie them they forgot about them and moved on and thought about how they were going to survive.Or when one of the men that escaped on a life boat when the Titanic went down, the press shamed him but he did what he had to do.Or even when I was in school and the alarm went off for the intruder, all I thought was about myself and how I was going to get out. My first example was when the Jews were in the camps in World War 2.At a point they only thought about not getting pick and doing what they need to do to stay …show more content…
Another example was when the man from the sinking of the titanic got on one of the boats. This is an example of what he was willing to do to survive in the end, because in the end, he said he got on the boat because he didn’t see anymore women or children so he left to save himself. He didn’t think about looking twice or waiting for other men to come but to leave before the ship sunk. So in his survival situation in the end he came first. Another example was simply when there was one of them intruder alarms
Lieutenant-Commander Oram is certain that he made right decision even killed himself. Their crew had “air for less than two days” for all of members, however, if there’s only five men left, they could survive. So captain chose to suicide because “there will be air for all five” of married men, which arranged by his moral rules “for seven
Eventually Jews and other ‘undesirables’ were sent to death camps, while others went to forced labour camps and used as slaves to produce materials for weapons in war, and a range of goods, such as shoes, clothes and good. These death camps
their life. On the ship there were a few white people, but most of the people on the ship
He starts his story wanting to become a captain of his own ship someday, but he starts off his journey by trying to get hired on a ship as a part of the crew.
When the ship went down some of the men were in a group for survival. Then days started to pass
He was a man with an adventurous spirit and a love for the water and all things seaworthy. He realized his love for the sea at a young age.
in the concentration camps, that death was inevitable in the camps, so surviving alongside their
The Captain of the ship struggles to maintain his ideal masculine self, but is seen as a weaker and an effeminate character in the eyes of his crew. He is seen as a stranger to the ship but most importantly to himself. “All these people had been together for eighteen months or so, and my position was that of the only stranger on board… I was somewhat of a stranger to myself...but I wondered how for I should turn out faithful to that ideal conception of one’s own personality”(21,Conrad). Early on we see that the captain lacks his masculinity and is not seen powerful and is insecure about his true self- his effeminate character. The captain wants to be like any other captain strong and manly, but struggles to be his ideal self, the great and powerful captain that every ship has, a captain that holds power in the eyes of his crew man. Other ways we see this was when the captain himself was commanded to close the porthole of the ship. “Close your port sir, they are washing
He left it all behind to be able to think without them.
He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no
willingness to come” and he took Ajax, Executioner, and Drey on one of his five ships and left.
So Coby got his fishing gear ready thinking it was a wonderful day to catch some Big fish and what he didn't check before boarding his boat was if it was actually his boat he was on and that day was when he knew he fucked up. Yeah it would've been great if the boat he boarded on was another fishers one but nope it had to be a dangerous pirate crew's. He had no choice but to submit his life to these pirates or else who wouldn't see another day of sun light but he still was crying inside hoping that one day he might escape and join the marines as soon as possible because that was his dream.
up his life, just to spread the truth to the others on the island. The
the fact that experiencing the storm and the taking over of the ship by Salé pirates, to his later
There is no prospect of land for many days. Night time for Phillips is very difficult as he writes, “Nighttime at sea is punishing. There is no room service, no television, and it is not possible to go for a walk or telephone somebody.”(16) Phillips describes the monotonous life at the ship when he tells about other passenger, “An unshaven Kevin appears. He announces that this morning he has taken his bed apart with a screwdriver, then put it back together again. I ask him why, and he replies, ‘something to do.”(16) The captain offers Phillips to show him the ship’s engine rooms but he declines. Coming back to his cabin Phillips ponders that, “why anybody would willingly subject themselves to serving time on a ship that is primarily designed to carry cargo not human beings. Presumably the only reason to travel in this fashion are because (a) it is cheap; (b) you have nothing else to do; and (c) perverse