
Susan B Anthony : Contribution To The Women's Rights

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The 19th amendment is a biggest turning point in United States for millions of woman who fought for voting rights. There is many woman who contributed to the woman suffrage and Susan B Anthony is one of them and her contribution to the woman rights is huge. She worked internationally for women’s right and she is also pay the major role in creating international council of women. Her works is unforgettable and she is widely recognized and she became the first actual woman whose picture appeared on the 1979 dollar coin. If Susan B Anthony were alive today she would proud of 21th century because women are no longer treated as inferior and men treat women equally. The woman receives voting after lot of struggles and the idea of voting rights always mocked by the press. Women did not have a say in anything in the 1800’s, men treat them as a slaves and they could not do anything freely because they have to follow directions from their husband also they cannot question their husband only men have rights to ask question. Anthony did so many things to recieve voting rights and she was tireless in her efforts, giving speeches around the country to convince others to support a woman’s right to vote. The men are always take advantage over women and they are intentionally try to marginalize women, when Thomas Jefferson wrote Declaration of Independence they exclude entire gender of woman later on Declaration of sentiment create by woman and they include both men and women. Susan B

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