The Rise Of An Hero Essay Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald once stated “ Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy, A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles, Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero's heart. “ According to dictionary definitions, “ A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage.” While reading through all 3 stories I’m determined that Harriet Tubman, Paul Revere, and Anthony B. Susan were all courageous, because of their unselfish like acts while helping others persevere through tragedies.
During slavery, Harriet Tubman was a historical figure who helped others become free and risk her life for
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Anthony was a fearless activist fighting against her rights . which others refused to do which I feel makes her courageous. Susan B. Anthony helped women around the nation by fighting for women voting rights , Susan B. Anthony would go to presidential elections and vote claiming that her actions are not a crime they’re her citizens rights . As an example from the text “ Women's right to suffrage “ Susan B. Anthony stated “ It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead simply exercised my citizen’s right, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution, beyond the power of any State to deny . As I explained my evidence I can say that Susan B. Anthony was fearless , because she just confronted the congress that they were wrong for assuming that her following the constitution was a crime. Susan B. Anthony was very courageous she wasn’t just a fighter for women rights she was a fighter for slave rights also . Susan B. Anthony continued the fight as she uses the comparisons of discrimination against negroes ( Slaves ) and women as she states “ Hence, every discrimination against women in the constitutions and laws of several States is today null and void, precisely as in every one against negroes” . Susan B. Anthony will be an unforgettable hero as she fought for her sex of rights and our
Anthony was a woman who proves mankind chooses to make good choices. She chose to stick up not only for herself, but all women whose rights were being denied. She stood for the equality of all people, and she devoted her life to making a change in the way the world viewed both women and slavery. Susan is an important historical figure who proves mankind cares about others and takes notice of them. Susan chose to do good in the world by speaking out for equal rights, and mankind has chosen to do good and listen to her. While some people may argue that Susan B. Anthony should not have advocated for equality so strongly because, as a result, many laws had to be changed, Anthony is one reason why American citizens have equal rights today. Without Anthony, women would not be allowed to vote and would be viewed as ignoble compared to men. Laws had to change in order for women and blacks to receive the rights they deserve, and someone had to make a stand to amend them. Susan B. Anthony dedicated her life to campaigning for equal rights, especially for women, and mankind should be grateful she
Susan B. Anthony was an important woman civil rights activist for the woman suffrage movement in the United States in the 1800s. She became president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Susan B. Anthony not only gave have hope to women but changed the minds of men and political
Susan Brownell Anthony was one of the most famous women’s suffrage activists in America. Anthony was born in 1820 in Massachusetts and raised by Quaker tradition her whole life. She moved around from New York to Philadelphia with her family when she was growing up, but eventually settled her family in Rochester, New York after taking a position in the Quaker seminary in 1839 (“Susan B. Anthony). She began teaching at a female academy from 1846-1849 (“Susan B. Anthony”). With the help of Elizabeth Stanton, Anthony became involved with women’s rights in 1852 where she organized the Women’s New York State Temperance Society (“Susan B. Anthony”).
Susan B. Anthony, an American women’s rights activist is one of the most famous women in American History. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts and passed away March 13, 1906 due to pneumonia and heart failure. She had 8 brothers and sisters. When her family moved to Battenville, New York, she became homeschooled. She is most famous for her prominent role in the women’s suffrage movement pushing the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote, but she has numerous additional accomplishments including: founding the National Woman’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) in 1869, the International Council of Women in 1888, and the International Woman Suffrage Council in 1904, publishing “The Revolution”, wrote the Susan B. Anthony Amendment in 1878, which became the 19th Amendment to give women the right to vote, first person to be arrested for illegally voting in a presidential and put on trial for voting, campaigning for women to learn self-reliance and self-confidence, the first women to appear on a U.S. coin. Anthony worked as a teacher in Canajoharie, New York and became involved in the teacher’s union where she discovered the inequality of male teachers salary versus
Anthony made great efforts to overcome social obstacles. Firstly, Anthony used effort to take risks, even when criminal charges were at stake. states “She voted illegally in the presidential election. Anthony was arrested for the crime… ( Therefore, Susan B. Anthony was willing to take risks to fight social injustice. Secondly, Anthony made efforts at a young age to overcome social obstacles. Amy Anderson points out she was “…collecting anti-slavery ballots at the age of 16 and participating in abolitionist meetings at her home. (Anderson)” Thus, began her abolitionist leadership at an early age. Thirdly, Anthony was printed on a United States coin. History Net states “She was the actual woman on a circulating U.S. coin (opposed to Lady Liberty). (History Net)” Therefore, this shows that Susan B. Anthony was a very valued woman and had to have made great efforts to have the honor of being on a United States coin. For all these reasons, Susan B. Anthony made valiant efforts to overcome social
Susan B. Anthony inspired to fight for women’s right while camping against alcohol..along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton also an activist, Anthony and Stanton founded the NWSA . Which helped the two women to go around and produced The Revolution, a weekly publication that lobbied for women’s rights.She also went on saying that if women ever wanted to get reaction men had…only thing stopping them,..having voting rights. An american social reformer and women’s right activist who played a pivotal role in the women’s suffrage movement, also a teacher who aggregate and compare about nature. She gave the “Women’s Rights to the Suffrage” giving outside the jail she was going to be held in, she gave this speech in person in 1873 and her audience were mostly white women that want virtues like men. Also men that wanted to put women in their place and friends of her and fellow citizens. Her main points are that women needed power that men had. Growing up in a quaker household she knew that women needed honor as men just like slaves experience getting their freedom. In Women’s right to suffrage Susan B. Anthony uses tone, reparation,and logos which dematices why women should have equal morality and voting abilities as men.
Prior to reading this document, I had known that Susan B. Anthony was an American women’s rights activist who played a imperative role in the women’s suffrage movement. She was born into a Quaker family and because the New York state agent for the American Anti Slavery Society in 1856. Throughout her life, she, along with other activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, helped set the foundations for fighting for women’s right for decades to come.
“It took 400 years after the declaration of independence was signed and 50 years after black men were given voting rights before women were treated as full American citizens and able to vote.” A women named Susan B. Anthony was one of those women struggling to be the same as mankind. Susan B. Anthony worked helped form women’s way to the 19th amendment. Anthony was denied an opportunity to speak at a convention because she was a woman. She then realized that no one would take females seriously unless they had the right to vote. Soon after that she became the founder of the National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869. In 1872, she voted in the presidential election illegally and then arrested with a hundred dollar fine she never paid.” I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.”(Anthony) When Susan B. Anthony died on March 13, 1906, women still didn’t have the right to vote. 14 years after her death, the 19th amendment was passed. In honor of Anthony her portrait was put on one dollar coins in
Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 and raised in very religious household. She first started off as teacher before she became and extravagant women that not just worked for herself but for many other women’s rights. Susan B. Anthony should be a historical figure due to the fact that she went through so much suffering. In which she fought for the women’s right to vote and as well as gender equality. Not only did she just fight for women’s right but as well to get rid of alcohol and did not support slavery by campaigning against them. People look down on her and despise her due to the reasoning that she voted illegally and took matter in to her own hands and was put into prison for it. Which cause women to get more hate and not receive their equal rights faster. Another reasoning people might not think she should be historical is because she said a racist comment. Despite all these things she dint just think of herself but for everyone. She never gave up and always kept writing and lecturing about equality which has helped every women have equal right and as well inspired many women that anything can be possible no matter their gender.
Susan B. Anthony was one of many who changed our country into what we live in today. She was an American hero who fought for women to have the opportunity and right to vote. Throughout many years she wouldn’t give up on this stand until the women got the same respect as men. Growing up she was born into a political family because they were apart of anti-slavery and apart of the women’s rights movement. Even when it was illegal for women to vote, Susan B. Anthony still voted.
Susan B. Anthony has gone through many rough times and had to go through many obstacles. She has had many ideas to try and get women equal rights. Susan, I believe, is an amazing person to accomplish what she did. This is the reason she should be in the History Hall of Fame.
According to author, Hope Stoddard, Susan B. Anthony was a firm, upright person. She wasn’t afraid to show it to anyone and everyone who wanted to know how she felt. One day, during a marriage custody conference, an abolitionist by the name of Rev. A. D. Mayo asked Anthony, in modified words, by what means could she take part in discussions on marriage when she was not married herself. She responded to this by saying, in revised words, that he was not a slave, so maybe he should not be taking part in discussions on slavery. It was this kind of determination that led Susan B. Anthony towards gaining women the right to have equal guardianship of their children (Dorr 55).
Susan Brownell Anthony was a magnificent women who devoted most of her life to gain the right for women to vote. She traveled the United States by stage coach, wagon, and train giving many speeches, up to 75 to 100 a year, for 45 years. She went as far as writing a newspaper, the Revolution, and casting a ballot, despite it being illegal.
Susan B. Anthony is a credible feminist, reason being, she is a female that has first handedly experienced deprivation of her rights as a U.S. citizen. This women knows exactly what she’s talking about, especially when she quotes the Constitution, “ We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
As a matter of fact, Susan B Anthony gained popularity by having a long activist tradition in her personal life. Her whole life as a long activist made her immune from the entire struggle she had encounter with the opposing side of women rights. This in fact made Susan B Anthony to put on her victory face and fight for what is right. From the challenges she